
Jessica Alba Netflix Thriller ‘Set off Warning’: What We Know So Far

In an effort to broaden its motion recreation, Netflix will produce one more motion film, this time starring a Netflix first-timer, Jessica Alba. Within the film Set off Warning, Alba will play a traumatized veteran who inherits her grandfather’s bar and faces an ethical dilemma after studying the reality behind his premature demise.

Netflix’s Set off Warning shall be helmed by director Mouly Surya, who helmed the well-received Cannes entry Marlina the Assassin in 4 Acts that grew to become Indonesia’s international movie Oscar submission. The script for Set off Warning was written by Josh Olson, who was nominated for an Oscar for the 2005 graphic novel adaptation A Historical past of Violence, and John Brancato, whose credit embrace Terminator Salvation and the 2009 Bruce Willis sci-fi movie Surrogates.

Director Mouly Surya

In addition to being the lead, Jessica Alba may even government produce. Thunder Highway’s Basil Iwanyk and Erica Lee are additionally producing. Right here’s the whole lot else we learn about Netflix’s Set off Warning:

What’s the plot of Set off Warning?

Mentioned to be an motion thriller, Netflix’s Set off Warning facilities on a traumatized veteran (Jessica Alba) who inherits her grandfather’s bar and faces an ethical dilemma after studying the reality behind his premature demise.

Who’s solid in Set off Warning?

It has been introduced again in 2020 that Jessica Alba would headline Set off Warning for Netflix. Alba is most well-known for her roles in Incredible 4, Sin Metropolis, and extra. Set off Warning shall be Alba’s first collaboration with Netflix though stars within the glorious cop drama L.A.’s Most interesting which has risen in reputation because of inclusion on Netflix since January 2021.

What’s the manufacturing standing of Set off Warning?

Netflix’s Set off Warning starring Jessica Alba is at present set to enter manufacturing on September 1, 2021 in Santa Fe, New Mexico based on concern 1254 of Production Weekly. Filming is anticipated to wrap on October 27, 2021.

In keeping with Deadline, Alba shall be flying to and from New Mexico twice every week to juggle her duties operating her enterprise Sincere Co.

What’s the Netflix launch date for Set off Warning?

Netflix hasn’t set a date for Set off Warning, however contemplating the manufacturing schedule, we might usually count on the film to drop on the streamer someday within the latter half of 2022.

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