
Chicago Med Midseason Finale Review – Secret Santa Has a Gift for You (7×09)

Another wild day at Gaffney Medical! 

Ethan’s return to Chicago Med was short-lived. Upon returning to work, he re-injured himself, which caused him another few months of healing. 

His dedication to the job, and his patients, has always been admirable, but Ethan should’ve heeded Marcel’s advice and let this one go. 

He managed to help the patient avoid surgery, but he hurt himself in the process. 

However, Marcel was right — if Ethan wasn’t open to seeing the danger of throwing himself back into the gig before he was ready, the responsibility laid squarely on the Chief of the ED’s shoulders. 

In this case, that would be Dr. Archer, who encouraged Ethan the whole time instead of advising him to take it easy. 

Marcel vouched for Ethan over and over again, so it almost feels like Archer purposefully sabotaged Ethan so he could remain large and in charge. 

And the whole excuse that navy men are built touch simply wasn’t cutting it. 

Archer cannot be trusted — end of story. 

Marcel has been catching some heat left and right this season. but his talents are finally getting recognized. 

He found himself in between a rock and a hard place between Dr. Blake and her daughter. 

On one hand, he really wants to excel in his career, but on the other hand, he also wants to pursue this promising new relationship. 

Unfortunately, that means he must choose between a mother or her daugther. 

I love that Marcel advocated for himself when he was scolded for not jumping at any opportunity that was offered to him in transplant surgery. 

It’s been made clear that the hours and dedication from those in the medical field are almost unbearable, so a day off should be warranted. 

If Marcel wasn’t on call then he had every right to step out for a drink. And it was wise of him not to operate while under the influence.

On the other hand, the phrase “the early bird gets the worm” rears its ugly head. If he wants to become the best of the best, he has to make a few sacrifices along the way, including that Mezcal at the bar.

Also, how nice was it to see everyone hanging out at Molly’s again? It’s been awhile. 

Sharon Goodwin hit pause on the VAS-Com investigation due to her stress, but you know Will isn’t one to follow rules and just “give up.”

You know he’s going to use that poor medical rep in some way. 

However, he was really helpful with Stevie’s search for her mother. 

Thankfully, she turned up on her own and didn’t start using again after their big fight.

Seeing a young girl in the drug house trying to be there for her parents was a huge wake-up call for Stevie that she finally needed to let go and allow her mother to make her own choices even if she didn’t agree with them. 

She couldn’t be the one worrying and protecting anymore while her mother acted out. 

The most compelling storyline, however, including Dylan, his uncle Joe, and Dr. Charles. 

Dylan and Dr. Charles have grown quite close. They’ve partnered up in several episodes and have great chemistry. 

So, it was upsetting to see that friendship take a hit after Dr. Charles spoke with Joe and informed the force that he thought he was a threat. 

Dylan was upset with Charles for ruining a good man’s life, but Charles had a moral obligation to call it like he saw it. 

And frankly, Joe was kind of giving off red flags even before he stormed Charles’ office with a box cutter.

He was definitely paranoid, he thought his Srgt. was out to get him, he was stalking him, he was close to making some serious threats, and that was all on top of his previous riffs with rookies and bar-goers. 

Joe needed a serious wake up call. 

Dr. Charles’s intentions are always pure — he always has the patients best interests at heart even if he has to do something that’s uncomfortable.

Thankfully, Dylan was able to acknowledge that and offered up an apology. 

Hopefully, we see more of their team-ups in the future. 

As for Maggie and Vanessa, well, they might be in a world of trouble. 

When the hospital conducted a random drug test, Vanessa tried her best to get out of it considering she had been taking Adderall. 

Eventually, her nerves got the best of her and she had a panic attack that she was about to lose everything. 

Maggie couldn’t stand by idly, so she helped her daughter rig the exam by diluting her sample, which is obviously a huge no-no. 

Here’s the thing — I don’t think it’s fair for Vanessa to have her whole career derailed because of Adderall, but I definitely think she needs to do more than just promise Maggie she won’t take it again. 

Maggie stuck her neck out for her, so the least she could do is schedule a consult with Dr. Charles. 

Imagine if someone found out that not only are they related, but that Maggie helped her cheat the test. 

Sharon Goodwin would never hear the end of it from the board!

Then again, everyone seems to be covering up the fact that Cooper’s heart attack was caused by cocaine. In comparison, Adderrall isn’t that big of a deal. 

Though, I really hope that Vanessa doesn’t betray Maggie’s trust. Maggie will do anything for that girl because she loves her and wants to make amends for giving her up, but she has to draw a line at some point. 

What did you think of the episode?

Was Choi careless? Should Archer be investigated? Did Maggie do the right thing? 

Let us know in the comments!

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