
Ghosts Recap – Jay Accidentally Joins a Cult (203)

It was dark and gloomy without weekly new episodes of Ghosts, but the season 2 premiere made sure to remedy all of that and make up for lost time. 

Though many months have passed since the Ghosts Season 1 season finale in our world, no time passed on the series, which picked up with the first B&B guests arriving just as the foyer floor gave way under Sam and Jay and they crashed through the floor.

For a moment, it seemed as though Jay’s fall allowed him to see the ghosts as well, but the dream was short-lived. He didn’t see Pete; he saw the delivery guy. I’m kind of happy about it, as having both Sam and Jay see the ghosts would have likely made the show less interesting, but I’m also slightly bummed because it would be nice to see the ghosts interact with someone other than Sam.

Nevertheless, there was no time to mope around as the next set of guests—the unofficial first ones to stay at Woodstone Manor—arrived. 

Debbie and Tom seemed nice enough, but Pete, a former travel agent, knew this trick all too well. He pointed out that they barely touched their welcome drinks, a sure sign that they weren’t as impressed as they were letting on. And once the doubts were planted in Sam’s mind, she kept second-guessing herself at every turn. 

Jay wanted to let it play out, but since they couldn’t risk another bad Yelp review, Sam gave the ghosts the green light to spy on their guests behind Jay’s back. 

It started innocently enough as they reported back their findings so that Sam could make adjustments in real time, but it quickly spiraled out of control when it turned out that Tom and Debbie were the absolute worst human beings on the planet who hated and criticized everything, including the paper-thin sheets, Jay’s cookies, the butter dish, and even Sam’s complexion. Picky is an understatement. It didn’t take long for Sam and Jay to see the dark side of owning a rental property.

Sam attempted to fix everything, but it became too much to handle, and the final straw for Jay was when they criticized the smell of her perfume.

Jay bolted out there and defended his wife, aka the “best person he’s ever met,” with a passionate speech that moved all of the ghosts, even Pete, who noted that it likely wouldn’t make for a positive Yelp review.

Tom and Debbie were floored by the outburst, and when they questioned whether Jay and Sam were eavesdropping on them this whole time, the latter admitted that they simply wanted to impress them so that they could get a good review and start their business on a positive note. After all, online reviews can make or break you. 

And that’s when the hilarity ensued. I’m not one to call anyone out for generational flaws or differences, but their assumption that the Yelp reviews were anonymous was peak boomer behavior, right along with the belief that if they unplug their laptop, the reviews will be deleted. This may have been the funniest moment of the episode because it wasn’t that farfetched. 

While the scenario with the first B&B guests didn’t pan out perfectly, Tom and Debbie felt so guilty about all the businesses they publicly bad-mouthed and tore apart thinking that they were anonymous that they were thankful to Jay and Sam for making them aware and gave Woodstone Manor 5 stars, along with a questionable review that mentioned their account was hacked. Sure, Jan. 

At least now they’ll know to keep their opinions to themselves and stop criticizing every little thing. Who even wants to go on a vacation to hate-talk the whole time while being polite and kind to their hosts’ faces? It seems tiring to be that fake. 

Jay and Sam now know what to expect when they welcome their next guests, and while Sam assured Jay she would never allow the ghosts to spy again, she made sure to provide an asterisk to the rule if it was an important situation.

My two cents—who cares? The guests won’t know, and the ghosts need some form of entertainment. The TV is exciting, but sometimes, they need some human interaction. Why punish them when they’re confined to the house for eternity?

The teaser for the upcoming episode shows that season 2 will dive into each ghost’s backstory a bit more, and it’s exciting because it means we’ll finally see the ghosts while they were alive. I can live with Jay not being able to see the ghosts if we can see them interacting with others through flashbacks. 

Season 1 did a good job at introducing the ghosts and setting the scene as to how they died at the Manor, and while I feel I have a good grasp of who they were, there’s so much potential there when it comes to storytelling. They all lived rich lives with many experiences throughout different generations, so it’s necessary to tap into that more.

And with the B&B officially open for business, they’re bound to cross more interesting house guests. I fully expect this season to get absolutely wild. 

Elsewhere, Isaac navigated his relationship with Nigel, who didn’t seem all too comfortable watching TV at the mansion. TV is the greatest invention known to man, so it was a bit peculiar, and though Isaac was dreading the conversation, it was better than Hetty’s suggestion to let the resentment fester and numb the pain with morphine. See what I mean—Hetty’s backstory is a trip crazier than Flower’s. 

Nigel eventually revealed that Thorfinn was a bit too much for him, which prompted Isaac to ask his Viking buddy to tone it down a bit when his boyfriend was around.  Of course, Thorfinn didn’t take kindly to the criticism given his flair for the dramatics, and he promised to disappear forever. And by that, he meant that he was going to sulk in the basement with the plague ghosts, who actually complained that he was bumming them out.

It took a Spice Girls special about the 90s (truly the greatest decade) and friendship to convince Isaac to apologize to Thorfinn. He brought Nigel along as he didn’t realize how much the Viking meant to him until he was no longer in his life. That’s when Nigel realized just how special their bond was, he apologized to Thorfinn, who admitted he was a bit of an acquired taste. 

And then, in yet another bizarre twist, Nigel and Thorfinn bonded over their love of watching ants. These ghosts are truly something. 

It’ll be fun to see Nigel find his place amongst the ghosts as he and Isaac navigate the early stages of their relationship. I’m rooting for them!

What did you think of the premiere episode? Did you miss all the shenanigans? 

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