Legacies Review – Everything That Can Be Lost May Also Be Found (4×15)


Legacies Season 4 is not messing around! 

After this midseason finale, things will never be the same again. 

There were quite a few jaw-dropping moments that will change the course of the series as we know it when it returns from its brief hiatus in 2022. 

Spoilers below — you’ve been warned!

The biggest shocker was that Lizzie has been turned into a vampire, which, based on the upcoming promo, means that she’s now a heretic just like dear old Uncle Kai. 

This was Lizzie’s failsafe in the event that her battle against tribrid Hope Mikaelson went awry. 

And honestly, it’s a fun progression. Not only have we gotten to see Hope’s dark side, but now we’ll get to see Lizzie in a brand new light. 

Legacies is finally starting to pull out the kind of punches we’ve come to love from The Vampire Diaries.

Of course, this begs the question: does Lizzie’s transition cancel out The Merge?

One would assume it does considering Kaylee Bryant, who brought Josie to life for four seasons, has left the building. 

Bryant’s exit from the series is shocking considering she’s one of the core squad members, but, in retrospect, she’s been trying to distance herself from the Salvator School for quite some time. 

Her time spent in the therapy box made her realize that she needed to remove herself from the school where she’s constantly pulled in several directions as a savior to focus on bringing back Hope. 

She never said where she was going or how long she’d be away, but the series really honed in on the fact that she 1. needed to leave and 2. needed to do it alone. 

So, goodbye Josie.

While it’s a huge loss, there’s always the possibility that she will return as a recurring character. 

Especially because Josie’s storyline is far from over. Her father is still dead, her sister is transitioning and becoming a vampire, and she finally has a promising romantic interest. 

But therein lies the issue — it’s always about somebody else. Josie never gets to prioritize herself, and her decision to leave, despite being anchored to saving Hope, is her decision. She’s finally doing what’s best for her. 

And for the first time, no one is stopping her. 

It hurt like hell to let Josie go, but Finch encouraged her because she knew this was the path that Josie had to take. 

Lizzie also gave Josie her blessing and didn’t bog her down with the very terrible decision she just made. Josie has put her life on hold far too often to save Lizzie, and this wasn’t one of those cases. 

In a way, Bryant’s exit will finally allow the twins to become independent of each other. 

Of course, none of this would have been necessary had Hope just flipped her humanity switch back on. 

For a moment, it definitely seemed as though Lizzie got through to her, which would have actually been kind of sweet. 

Hope’s friendship has always been strongest with Lizzie (and I know some of you Josie fans will disagree with this, sorry!), so it would have made sense if the thing to flip her switch was Lizzie’s genuine love and care for Hope. 

Lizzie always acts as though Hope is such an inconvenience on her life, and she finally admitted to loving Hope like a sister. 

Hope had me fooled.

Sadly, the “panda promise” was simply her way of manipulating Lizzie into switching her and Aurora back into their rightful bodies and burning the only weapon that could kill her. 

Does anyone else wish we got to see Hope struggle a bit more in trying to beat Aurora? It felt too easy. That was her elaborate and master plan?

Klaus would’ve laughed in her face. 

Also, I was proud of Lizzie for her psycho-analysis of Aurora. The poor girl was taking out her anger at Klaus on his teenage daughter, which was just kind of pathetic if you really think about it.

Does Hope deserve to pay a price for all the things she’s done? Yes. But Lizzie was right that an eternity of torment was slightly over-the-top.

Though, it really stung to see Hope ruthlessly manipulate Lizzie’s love for her.

But Hope never even considered that Lizzie would consider turning into a vampire, so this definitely puts a dent in the plans. 

MG is not going to be happy about this one. He’s already upset with Ethan for knowing that Lizzie created a weapon that could kill Hope and not saying a word. He could’ve stopped her from making a grave mistake, but instead, he let her go on with her plan which has now resulted in her becoming a vampire. 

Yeah, MG is going to be really mad. 

I wonder if this will change the way Ethan and/or MG feel about her?

Since Lizzie died on Hope’s watch, does this mean that she might also turn her humanity off and live it up?

The Super Squad is down its best members, so things are kind of looking bleak. 

MG might be the only one carrying the rescue missions as Ethan has been banished, Finch has become the leader of the pack while Jed recovers from an injury, and Cleo and Kaleb are busy trying to figure out his monster side. 

Honestly, Kaleb, Cleo, Jed, and Ethan are likely going to be a little more preoccupied with the bandaged man who suddenly healed and came in to deliver a mighty warning about monsters being the least of their worries. 

Who is this man? Why does he have healing properties? And why did he make Kaleb and Ethan want to kill him?

Could he be an angel? Is he another Malivore monster?

There’s definitely intrigue surrounding this hunky new man. 

Of course, as all of this is going down, the interim headmaster at the school doesn’t have the stomach for any of it. The poor oaf fainted at the first sight of blood. 

But don’t worry, Alaric, Ted, and Landon are working hard to save themselves from death, and they are going to use the sphinx for assistance. 

Who would have thought we’d see the day where Alaric teams up with a Malivore monster?!

What did you think of the midseason finale? Are you excited to see Lizzie as a heretic? Are you upset by Bryant’s exit?

Let us know in the comments below! 

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