
Legacies Review – You Will Remember Me (4×08)

Klaus Mikaelson may be dead, but his enemies are still plotting their revenge. 

Only this time, it’s aimed at the Tribrid — his miracle daughter, Hope Mikaelson. 

After becoming the all-powerful creature and turning off her humanity, Hope has been hunting down the Triad, which eventually brought her to a very familiar face for fans of the franchise. 

Too bad Hope didn’t do her homework because she might’ve been more prepared for what Aurora De Martel has planned.

Instead, she relied solely on her immortal strength, which Aurora was able to weaponize against her. 

Aurora has years on Hope. She knows and loathes the Mikaelson family, and Klaus, better than most, so she was able to determine exactly how Hope would react. 

She was betting on Hope’s recklessness to get the best of her because it was all part of her meticulously crafted plan. 

God, it’s so good to see Aurora back. She’s a promising villain that elevates the danger of the series by reconnecting it to The Originals. 

Facing Malivore monsters is one thing, but it’s comical in comparison to Klaus’s foes. 

If Hope spent more time learning her family history, she would’ve known more about Papa Tunde’s blade, how it connected to The Hollow, and she wouldn’t have been able to fall for the tricks. 

Instead, she decided to impulsively stab Aurora — which is what she wanted — which led to a Freaky Friday-esque body swap. 

Now, Aurora is in the Tribrid’s body, while Hope is in Aurora’s body. Aurora’s body is powerful by vampire standards, but it’s no match for the powers of a Tribrid, which explained why Hope bolted for the door the minute she realized the extreme nature of the situation. 

How will Hope find her way out of this one? It’s a dangerous situation considering Aurora likely has plenty of enemies. 

Will she turn her humanity on and seek out the help of her friends? Was it turned on when they switched bodies?

Legacies — “You Will Remember Me” — Image Number: LGC404b_0429r — Pictured (L – R): Danielle Rose Russell as Hope Mikaelson — Photo: Nathan Bolster/The CW — © 2021 The CW Network, LLC. All Rights Reserved.

And will her friends believe that Hope isn’t actually Hope?

Back at the Salvatore School, Josie was navigating her therapy box, which included her going into the footsteps of her mother, Jo. I also got Elena Gilbert vibes! 

In fact, they were all nursing interns and EMTs at a hospital named after the Mikaelson’s. Even in her subconscious, Josie is still living in Hope’s shadow. 

The whole thing was reminiscent of one of those really weird dreams you have where you wake up and question literally everything. That’s what makes the therapy box so fun — it allows the series to play with all these different genres that otherwise wouldn’t make sense. 

It was also a long-winded way of getting Josie to realize what she finally needs to do to fix everything. Only, we never actually found out what that was. 

The only thing Josie really made clear was that she would no longer allow herself to crumble under the pressure of expectations.

Meanwhile, Lizzie leveraged Ethan’s invisibility powers to spy on Cleo and MG and realized that there totally is a way to kill Hope. 

Cleo burned the tree that could be used to make a weapon, but, of course, Lizzie managed to save the ash and turn it into a stake. 

Is it just me or could you actually see Alaric’s reflection in Lizzie as she channeled her inner-vampire hunter?

My guess is that the whole battle will come down to Lizzie and Josie, who will both have different ideas for how to put an end to Hope. 

While I love that Lizzie is finally taking matters into her own hands, I hate that she lied to Cleo who was only trying to protect her. She also took advantage of Ethan, and it really sucks that he continues to be manipulated by those around him who have a better grasp when it comes to this supernatural stuff. 

Alaric, Ted, and Landon also realized that the only way to get out of limbo was to make amends with the ones you hurt. 

Alaric attempted to make peace with Dana, and when that didn’t do it, he realized it’s because he wasn’t actually remorseful about her daughter’s death. It sounds bad but honestly, that’s what you get for living in a town with supernatural creatures. Also, hell doesn’t exist — Alaric remembers that all too well because you know, Cade, Lizzie, and Josie. 

IYKYK, TVD fans! 

Anyway, Alaric realized he was supposed to apologize for screwing up Landon’s life, which, in turn, convinced Landon to go back and save Hope. It was a cute bro-moment even if I didn’t really get the whole gist of it, plus, it got them the coin, which is their ticket out of there. 

Of course, they aren’t trying to find peace, they want to steal the boat and ride it all the way down the river to the land of the living. 

And that’s the kind of action I’m here to see from our men!

How do you think everything will play out in the midseason finale? Will Alaric and Landon make it back in time to find a solution for Hope?

Will Lizzie get to Hope first? And if she does kill Hope, would she only kill one part of her like her vampire side meaning she’d no longer be the Tribrid? I hope that isn’t the case because, humanity-less Hope aside, the Tribrid is what has made her 50 shades of interesting. 

What is Josie’s solution?

Will everyone at the school stop Lizzie from making a terrible mistake that she might regret for the rest of her life?

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