
Legacies Series Finale Review – Welcome Home (4×20)

Legacies — for all its flaws and imperfections — managed to deliver a satisfying series finale. 

It wasn’t a perfect, but considering the team behind the scenes wasn’t ready to end the story just yet, it definitely seems like they did the best that they could. And in a world where many shows get cancelled without warning, at least they were able to tie-up loose ends and wraps things up on their own terms. That’s major. 

As the series finalizes its fourth and final season, it also closes the chapter on a vampire franchise that began in 2009 and rivaled, perfectly, might I add, the Twilight franchise. Back in 09, you were either a Twilight fan or a TVD fan, rarely were you both. (It’s clear where this writer’s loyalties lied). 

The Vampire Diaries and its spinoff series, The Originals, created lifelong fans. And even when sinking your fangs into the vampire genre was no longer popular, the franchise continued to be a safe space for fans, eventually leading to the third installment — a series about a generation of teens looking to find their way in what was once the Salvatore mansion. 

If Legacies embraced the series finale tone throughout its four-season run — a tone that was very much reminiscent of its predecessors — I think the series could’ve found more mainstream success. But for this finale to even be considered a success, Legacies had to have built up a strong foundation, so thus, the finale proves that even throughout the missteps, they did something right to create that makes it so hard to let all of this go.

Maybe if the series focused less on all the monster slaying, we could’ve made as much progress with the characters in the same way the two other shows did. It was the first episode not to feature any monsters, and yet, the action delivered tenfold. 

The finale found them at a good place, but many relationships were only just starting to flourish, and we won’t get to see any of that pan out, which was my biggest gripe with the series finale. The series was finally starting to head towards a promising direction only to come to an end. It’s like we’re no longer invited on the journey! 

Still, there were some incredible moments that really tapped into the legacy (no pun intended) that the franchise created throughout the years. 

The Salvatore School has always been a safe space and a sanctuary for supernaturals despite the monster business that went down in those halls, so I’m glad that Alaric was convinced not to shut it down.

When the episode began, Alaric was panged by fear, guilt, and grief. Ethan’s death was just one of many, but it’s the only one that truly stuck. MG, Kaleb, and Jed’s deaths didn’t stick because they found a way to cheat their way out of limbo. It’s nice having connections (hey, Landon) that could find a way to defy nature just this one time. 

Alaric’s feelings led him to the realization that he was no longer fulfilling the mission statement of the school, and was, instead, putting these teens and young children in harm’s way. 

Mostly everyone disagreed — Lizzie was equally as defeated and figured closing the school was the logical solution — because it was the easy way out. 

The truth is, the world is a dangerous place to be a different; a supernatural creature. That’s why this school was always so necessary. Neither of them stopped to think that despite all the chaos, they were all still much safer at the school together and honing in on their powers than they were in the unknown. 

If they didn’t feel safe, the students would’ve just left, but none of them did. Death is a high price to pay, but it comes with the territory — not just the supernatural kind, but also the humankind. 

But I don’t blame Alaric for wanting out after all these years of dedication as a mere mortal. He was simply finding an escape instead of accepting that his time as headmaster was coming to an end. 

Now, don’t get me wrong, he did an incredible job throughout his run, but one of the biggest issues was that the school wasn’t being run by a supernatural being. An ally is an ally, but he wasn’t capable of protecting them in the way that they deserve. 

And his desire to continue on this journey was waning thin as he was ready for his next adventure. 

Who else is more equipped to tell the stories of the supernatural beings that he’s encountered — the ones he loves and the ones that they’ve lost? This man has seen and lived through some unimaginable stuff. I don’t know that he had to leave Mystic Falls to do it, but I can see why he needed to get away and embrace a change of scenery. 

Legacies — “Do You Mind Staying With Me Another Minute?” — Image Number: LGC416b_0096r — Pictured (L – R): Matthew Davis as Alaric Saltzman — Photo: Ben Adams/The CW — © 2022 The CW Network, LLC. All Rights Reserved.

Alaric has come a long way since TVD Season 1. He went from being a bourbon-drinking vampire-hunter to a second father to the daughter of Hope Mikaelson, one of the most dangerous vampires in all of history. 

But he deserved this break. He started the school with Caroline, and yet, he’s been doing all of the heavy lifting for years while she’s in Europe. 

He earned his time off, and maybe he’ll even find some luck in the romance department with a partner that doesn’t fall prey to the supernatural of the world.

His departure naturally begged the question: who would take over as headmaster. 

The only fitting choice here was Caroline! Who else would be as committed to the students and their success? (Also, I like to think that maybe, just maybe, she’d convince Bonnie to come and teach!)

Legacies pulled out a surprise of epic proportions when Candice Accola appeared on the screen, reprising her role as Caroline Forbes. It felt as though we’d never actually see Caroline step foot in Mystic Falls again, let alone, on Legacies again, but the moment she did, it felt like no had passed. 

But it was also a stark reminder that the end was truly near. We’ve wished for this moment, but again, we wouldn’t be able to relish in it in the way that fans deserved to. Caroline may be sticking around as headmistress, but it’s something we won’t get to see pan out. We won’t get to ee her shape a new generation of supernatural students that need guidance and support from a place that they can call home. 

It’s such a shame. 

It doesn’t take away from the joy of seeing her make a guest appearance, but it’s a shame, nonetheless. 

Caroline’s interaction with Lizzie also felt forced likely because they barely know each other despite being mother and daughter. I know Lizzie “visited” her mother in Europe many times, but it’s not the same. They haven’t built up the chemistry between the characters, so it just felt off. 

We also didn’t get a sweet reunion with Alaric and Caroline, nor did we see Caroline with Josie. What a missed opportunity not to have Josie return even to visit her family after they survived a showdown with the gods. They could’ve died! 

Josie’s absence also left Finch’s storyline incomplete. She accepted the role of alpha and finally found her pack, which was nice, but the reason she was at the school in the first place was because of Josie. Why couldn’t they get her to Facetime the woman she loved or something?

On the other hand, it’s nice that Josie and Lizzie found their independence. Throughout the series run, they were so co-dependent on each other, but they deserved to forge their own paths. 

Maybe we’ll get a series all about Josie’s adventures in Belgium?

Even without Kaylee Bryant’s return, she was still very much a part of the finale as the writers made sure that she wasn’t excluded from the big moments. Josie sent her pendant, which not only helped restore Hope’s humanity a few episodes back, but it was also responsible for helping Alaric “hear” the light regarding the school. 

As for Hope, she figured out that Josie was the only one that was reasonable enough to keep in possession the only weapon made that could kill her.

I love that she acknowledged that she couldn’t keep the weapon because no one person should have all that power, especially not a Mikaelson! 

Though, the packaging on the weapon looked pretty flimsy. Why wouldn’t they arrange for a more secure delivery to Belgium? I bet that if the series were to continue on, the sword would get stolen and fall into the wrong hands forcing the super squad to reunite and retrieve it.

Accola’s return was a complete surprise, but Joseph Morgan’s appearance was teased prior to the episode airing. 

Many speculated that he would reconnect with Hope from limbo, but in a shocking twist, Landon reveals that Klaus actually found peace.

Yes, if even the biggest “villain” of them all can find peace, there’s hope for us all. 

Since Klaus is dead, it wasn’t exactly easy to explain his return, though I wish that Morgan appeared in person to reunite with Hope rather than through a video projection. 

I mean, I’ll take what I can get, but it would’ve been nice to see them play off of each other’s chemistry. 

Still, it was a pivotal moment in allowing Hope to get closure and also accept herself. She’s always felt like an outsider when in reality, she has the best parts of her father and should be proud of it. 

Landon and Ethan’s gesture in delivering Klaus’s message allowed her to finally accept herself as the hero of her own story. 

It was a great full-circle moment for Hope and a perfect ending to her story. I wish Haley got some kind of shout-out as well considering she’s just as responsible for Hope’s existence as Klaus. We all have that favorite parent, but why is Haley ignored after all that she sacrificed for her daughter?

One thing I don’t think fans will be happy about is how things turned out for Landon and Hope. 

Landon stayed in limbo permanently, which was unexpected. I fully believed that they would find a way to free him. He seemed happy with it though, so I guess he finally found his purpose and we should be content with that. 

Admittedly, the scenes with him were a little extra. I’m just supposed to believe that he can leave limbo at any time to hang out with Hope? Seems far-fetched to have him just zap in whenever he’s summoned as if he was some kind of genie, but I digress. 

After we spent so much of the series focused on Hope and Landon’s great love, it would’ve been sweet to see them finally get a slice of happiness. At the same time, it was fitting that it didn’t happen because the series showed us — and them — that their epic love may have been epic, but it was never in the cards. Timing really is a bitch. 

Klaus’ advice that the burden of immortality is that she will love and lose love was on point. In her short time on Earth, Hope has endured a ton of loss, including Landon. 

Being the tribrid means that she’ll be alive forever, while Landon’s role as the Ferryman means that he’ll be in limbo forever. And unless a spinoff/sister series untangles this mess (come on, Netflix), there’s no chance of them getting back together. 

And since he paid the price by helping his friends return to the land of the living, in a sense, he lost his humanity, which means he won’t actually feel emotions anymore.

Much like Josie and Lizzie, Landn and Hope were so codependent at times that it almost feels like the only way for either of them to actually let go and move on is to be forced into giving up on a romantic relationship. 

Again, it’s also a shame we won’t see Hope find a new great love post-Landon. I know fans really wanted to see that, and she deserved it after “losing” so many people in her life. 

However, finding herself was a true feat; everyone finally found their place after seasons of searching. 

MG and Lizzie finally sealed the deal. Lizzie’s speech about MG being her pendant that helps her sort out the voice in her head was everything. MG has been patiently waiting for her to have this realization.

I was concerned that they would never kiss because the series seemed to be putting it off as long as possible, and when they finally did, the chemistry wasn’t there, but I’m just really happy that they’re a couple. It was a long time coming, but as MG said, it’s better late than never. 

Cleo and Kaleb are walking away with the title of cutest couple! They love each other so much — but better yet, they bring out the best in each other.

And am I mistaken for interpreting Cleo sitting behind Alaric’s desk as a vision that she take over as headmistress in the future?

See, I’d love to see that!

Even Jed got his happy ending! When he was sent back to the land of the living, he realized that he was no longer a werewolf. Being a wolf and an alpha defined him for so many years, but now he gets to see who he truly is without all of that. And he gets to do it with Ben by his side. Jed is living his most authentic life, and that’s all you could ever want for anyone. 

Ethan crossed over to peace, but it still came at the expense of his own happiness. He didn’t want to cross over, but he sacrificed his own happiness in order to help out his friends. Ethan deserved so more than simply accepting his fate as a sidekick. I’m sure peace is great, but I wish he was able to be selfish in the end. 

While there were definitely still some loose ends, it’s mostly a shame that we don’t get to continue on this journey with all these characters — new and old — any longer. 

My hope is that the title of the episode, “Just Don’t Be a Stranger, Okay?”  is a thinly veiled hint that maybe this franchise isn’t done telling stories for good. Maybe, in a few years, we’ll get to reconnect with the Salvatores, the Mikaelsons, the Saltzman’s, and more once again. [Showrunner Brett Matthews told TVLine that “the TVD Universe will likely continue in different forms and fashions over the coming years,” so do with that what you will!]

Till then, we have to be content knowing that the Salvatore School was left in capable hands — a home to all those lost supernatural souls — with everyone exactly where they were meant to be. Always and forever

What did you think of the series finale? Is it everything that you expected? Did they do the characters justice?

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