Riverdale Review – Things That Go Bump in the Night (6×15)


The fog is coming, and while that line should probably be reserved for horror movies, it allowed Percival to make some key advancements on Riverdale Season 6 Episode 12. 

Before I dive into this review, I have to point out that I think the creators and writers overly enjoy teasing with fan emotions, and likely got so much pleasure by leaving us all hanging when it came to the result of Barchie’s pregnancy test. 

With how things are shaping up in the series, it’s unclear which way the series will go with this storyline. However, it’s also kind of tracking along with the events of Rivervale, so I wouldn’t be surprised if Betty and Archie were holding a positive pregnancy test in the end. 

It’s one of the more positive linings of the series as the imminent next event on everyone’s radar is the apocalypse; a showdown between the good guys of Riverdale and Percival Pickens, who is now the Mayor. 

If it walks like Hiram Lodge, and it acts like Hiram Lodge… 

Percival got word from Alice that the group was planning to stage a coup, so he used a weather disaster to distract everyone and keep them locked inside while he pulled some strings, manipulated some minds, and poof — became the town’s new Mayor. 

But while he was able to pull one over on them, I think Percival sorely underestimates the town and the people in it, especially those he can’t manipulate and who exhibit some serious powers. 

By forcing everyone to stay inside, he not only brought relationships closer but also allowed for some characters to gain some much-needed clarity. 

Archie and Betty discussed their future and possible child. They both established that they were “ride or die” for Riverdale even with all the bonkers developments lately. And Betty finally opened up about her experience escaping TBK. I couldn’t shake the feeling that she was lying somehow because if TBK really set her free because he felt as though she was a kindred spirit, why does he continue to torment her and stalk her? It doesn’t make any sense.

Veronica and Reggie fell into some old feelings — courtesy of a strip poker match — and the whole scene was an emotional rollercoaster. One moment they were talking about getting back together, the next minute they realized they had to break this toxic cycle and parted ways for good. It’s definitely for the best because there wasn’t any more love left between Ronnie and Reggie. She treated him like her lackey and, well, like second best. And it’s clear she’s not over losing Archie, though, I don’t really know what that means for the series. 

There was a lot of talk about looping in Veronica, Reggie, Toni, Fangs, Cheryl, and even Kevin into the fight against Percival, and I can’t wait for everyone to be clued in once and for all. It’s been difficult seeing Veronica pushed aside and away from the core four just because she’s no longer dating Archie. 

Tabitha and Jughead worked together to power up Pops so that it could remain a beacon of hope and light for all those that needed it. 

There were some key moments from their scenes that are definitely going to play a major role in what’s to come. 

For starters, Tabitha was using an old radio to try to gain any info on the fog/get a message out. She briefly connected with someone, and though the message was staticky, the person on the other end was definitely talking about a bomb under the bed. It sounded like a warning… from the other Jughead. This continues to lend itself to the belief that they are all stuck in yet another alternate reality. 

Later, Tabitha confessed that she attempted to use her time travel abilities to stop the bomb from going off, but the outcome would’ve had dire consequences for everyone in Riverdale. When she ran all the scenarios, without Jughead’s mind-hearing powers, they never defeat Percival. The powers are crucial to the war, particularly Jughead’s as they are the most similar to Percival’s manipulation abilities. 

The other takeaway was that they have a slim chance of winning, but in every scenario, Jughead dies. It’s a pretty bleak outlook, but again, may I remind you, he’s not the only Jughead, and my guess is that whole alternate reality situation with Jughead as the writer is going to come into play here at some point. 

Though Jughead took the news of his looming death pretty well, all things considered. 

If Tabitha can see into the past and the future, why wasn’t she able to figure out that Percival was going to beat them at their own game by becoming Mayor? It seems like that should’ve been something she picked up on!

Cheryl’s storyline continues to be absolutely ridiculous, and I’m not entirely sure what to make of it. 

Penelope returned to make amends for all the cruel things she’s done to her daughter in the past, which is fine and dandy, but she also found redemption within the Catholic church as a nun. Cheryl was hesitant about trusting anything her mother said, and when she assumed that she was going to release Abigail, she flipped a switch and showed her mother her pyrokinesis powers. 

They finally saw eye-to-eye when Penelope informed Cheryl about the letters that her old friend and lover Heather wrote her in junior high. 

She handed over all the letters she intercepted as a peace offering and promise that she had actually changed. The moment pretty much destroyed Cheryl emotionally as she’d wondered all these years why Heather abandoned her and why her mother was so cruel to her. 

I hope that after this, Cheryl is free to finally find some peace and move forward with her life. She deserves it after all the abuse she suffered because of Penelope. 

Can someone tell me why all the parents on Riverdale are so batty?

Penelope has reinvented herself several times throughout the course of the season, so it’s hard to take anything she says seriously. 

Alice is conspiring with Percival and singlehandedly acting as though her life is fine and dandy when she’s suffered so much heartache and loss in life. 

I know the show loves to embellish the characters, but they don’t even seem like real people anymore. 

And it’s shocking that the kids aren’t any loopier because of the parents. All things considered, Veronica, Archie, Betty, and Jughead all have a pretty good head on their shoulders. 

And finally, Kevin and Moose reunited in a moment that definitely seemed sus. Almost immediately after reconnecting with Kevin in the high school, Moose made a move on him that caused Kevin to miss his custody agreement talks with Toni and Fangs. 

The whole scene moved rather quickly, and it was definitely strange that Kevin saw the devil in his slumber, which made it harder for him to distinguish reality from the dream world. 

Did Percival send Moose here to keep Kevin busy?

As for Toni and Fangs, they aren’t on the same page about what’s best for baby Anthony or how to raise him, so it’s not entirely fair that they make demands of Kevin or shame him for his lifestyle. 

Honestly, Kevin’s willingness to have a lawyer-less talk about how to raise the child with Fangs and Toni was likely the best option on the board, but Fangs had to go and squash any potential of having a working relationship when he told Kevin he didn’t think he had the integrity to raise his son. Why is Fangs so hot-headed lately?

At this point, I think it would be best if Toni got sole custody and both Fangs and Kevin got visitation rights. There are too many cooks in the kitchen, and while they all love baby Anthony, it’s not going to end well for him when there’s so much coming at him from every direction,

Again, I’m really nervous for Kevin because of the whole Percival connection along with Moose’s return, so it’s possible that Toni and Fangs might have to come to his rescue sometime soon anyway. 

What did you think of the episode? Share your thoughts in the comments below! 

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