The Resident Season Premiere Review – Da Da (5×01)


The Resident Season 4 finale focused heavily on relationships.

And with a season 5 renewal under their belts, it’s an exciting future to look forward to!

Baby CoNic, Giorgiana Grace Hawkins, made her official arrival into the world.

The moment Nic and Conrad became parents was heartwarming, but why did they have to spoil it by using a creepy, fake baby?

I understand that COVID may have impacted their ability to get a real baby, but I just couldn’t get over it and it took away from the magic. 

I did, however, appreciate that a doctor and a nurse with a world of experience had the same uncertainties and anxieties as normal first-time parents.

My only complaint? Nic was up and moving around with ease a little too quickly for it to be realistic. 

Also, why did little Gigi barely cry? Newborns cry… a lot. It seems Nic and Conrad gave birth to the perfect baby!

Television, I know! Though, I’ll admit, that CoNic montage really got me! 

Much of the hour focused on AJ and his mother. While it was a blessing that her cancer didn’t return, the therapy weakened her bones and she suffered a broken back. 

Neurosurgery was required to stabilize her spine, but the surgery was very risky. One small misstep could result in permanent paralysis.

Kit suggested Dr. Cain, but AJ was against it… for good reason. 

Dr. Cain may be a brilliant surgeon, but he’s problematic in his own way. He’s put himself before patients numerous times, and he’s the reason that Mina was deported to Nigeria.

He already took one of AJ’s loves, so AJ wasn’t going to let it happen again.

Credit: FOX/ The Resident

However, when there was no other option and his mother’s life was hanging in the balance, he also had it in him to push aside their differences. 

In the same way that his mother promised that she’d always take care of him and never give up on him when he was a child, AJ promised her the same. 

When they showed the flashback to AJ’s time in the adoption agency, I was sure that it meant AJ’s mother wouldn’t survive, but I’m glad it was to make a point about the love between AJ and his mother instead. 

You could see that scared little boy from the adoption home as AJ stood in the hospital and worried about the procedure. 

When Cain didn’t pick up AJ’s calls, Billie stepped in despite her PTSD. 

While it was in line with Cain’s character to blow off AJ, I was surprised that he didn’t take the chance to redeem himself. 

However, he did surprise me by rushing to help without even being asked. 

He walked out on his meeting with John Hopkins, a hospital offering him a position, to help out AJ. It speaks to the changed man that he is. 

Yes, Cain’s ego is still there, but after his own health issues and his relationship with Rose, he’s learning to become a better man who puts others before himself.  

Coming to help AJ’s mom wasn’t the only redeemable thing he did as he gave Billie credit for the surgery and even said he was proud that she was his resident. 

He’s made plenty of progress — as much progress as someone like Cain can make. 

It was the first time that we saw a genuine moment between these two characters. 

AJ was grateful and assured him they could work under the same roof after all, but is that enough to make Cain stick around?

Since we know that Morris Chestnut will no longer be a series regular come season 5, it’s possible that he still takes the offer at Hopkins and leaves Kit Voss, the woman who gave him a second chance when he needed it most, high and dry. 

I never thought I’d say this, but I would actually kind of miss Cain. He brought a “different” energy to Chastain. 

If he does end up leaving, he wouldn’t be the first person to disappoint Kit. After she made a deal with Bio South, the start-up with the cure that helped Rose’s sickle cell, she found out that Phillip sold the company to big pharma. 

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Kit had a different vision for her hospital, so Phillip’s decision was surprising, especially since he initially seemed to care about creating an affordable cure. But with a pharmaceutical company at the helm, it would undoubtedly jack up prices. 

Phillip didn’t even show any remorse when he was confronted about it by Conrad, and Devon, who trusted Philip, was blindsided. 

Even the good guys will become sell-outs when it comes to money!

Sammie was finally adopted in a sweet ceremony that finally made Jake and Greg parents. 

They got their daughter while she got two parents (and grandpa Bell!) who love her unconditionally. 

Grandpa Bell melts my heart. There doesn’t even need to be a storyline there, I just want to see Bell spoil the heck out of that sweet girl. 

Speaking of grandpa’s, isn’t it so sweet how well Nic’s father and Conrad’s father get along? Gigi is one lucky lady to have two incredible grandfathers in her life. 

Bell also helped Jake’s patient, Roland, who needed a liver transplant. While available organs typically go to the healthier, younger patient, which would’ve been Devon’s patient Astrid, the doctors were able to kill two birds with one stone by doing a domino transplant.

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Credit: FOX/ The Resident

Roland got Astrid’s liver while Astrid got the available organ — win-win! 

To celebrate the successful procedure, Devon and Leela finally gave in to their feelings for each other. I genuinely love that she was the one that pursued him and planted one on him; she’s a girl that knows what she wants. 

Their relationship has been one of the most exciting ones this season, and maybe that’s because I’m thrilled that Devon finally found a worthy partner who vibes on his level.

I hope this doesn’t make this awkward at work!

And for my least favorite storyline of the evening… Billie came home after a long and exhausting workday only to be ambushed by her son. 

Honestly, what was that?

The text messages he was sending her bordered on harassment, but then he had the nerve to show up at her place after she specifically said that she didn’t want to meet him?

This is a terrible start to their relationship —  if there even is one after this. The man clearly has no respect for boundaries and doesn’t understand that “no means no.”

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I’m not keen on this storyline because I don’t understand why every adoption storyline has to be tied to a tragedy, but it makes it even worse that the child, which was a byproduct of rape, is now forcing her into a situation that she doesn’t want to be in yet again. 

There are just so many things wrong with this storyline. 

Also, the whole approach of coming up behind her was just flat-out creepy. 

There must be better avenues that he could’ve pursued if he really wanted to meet his birth mother. 

The Resident will return in the fall, and for the most part, I’m thrilled with the storylines that the finale has set up. 

Are you thrilled to see CoNic as parents? Are you into the Billie storyline? Do you ship Leela and Devon?

Let us know in the comments! 

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