
9-1-1: Lone Star Season 3 Episode 8 Review: In the Unlikely Event of an Emergency

Rest peacefully, Gwyn. You were a damn good mom.

Not for a single second did 9-1-1: Lone Star Season 3 Episode 8 dial back on the emotions during this installment, from the devastating 911 phone call chronicling Gwyn’s sudden death to the family meal with Gwyn and the Strand boys.

And in between, there was enough intensity to have you second-guessing your next flight.

If it wasn’t challenging enough for us to process Gwyn’s sudden loss, the way she died made it infinitely more heartbreaking. It was a bit of a freak accident with a delivery person running her over, but she had enough time to push the baby out of the way before it happened.

And we had to listen to a bystander phoning for help and trying to save her to no avail. It hits you how someone can be there one minute and gone the next.

T.K. couldn’t even let any of it sink in, and if he spent half the hour catatonic, it wouldn’t have been a surprise. Owen and Carlos were both doing their best to support T.K. however they could him prepare for the funeral. And because of Gwyn’s religion, it was fast, so they didn’t have any time to spare.

Nevertheless, it was odd that they left him alone for a second when it was evident he wasn’t in the best state, and he has a history of drug and alcohol abuse. The second they both left, the anxiety kicked up a notch as you feared he’d turn to substances in some capacity.

And T.K. almost did, too. He made a beeline for the rig, and who knows if he would’ve stopped himself or not before Owen found him with the fentanyl in his hands.

T.K.: How’d you find me?
Gwyn: I’m your mother, I’ll always find you.

We could’ve guessed that the hour would be a heavy one with the loss of Gwyn, but it was much darker than expected. And Ronen Rubenstein was simply phenomenal for the entirety of it. He and Edelstein’s scenes together were among the best of the bunch.

The flashbacks were heartrending as we followed what was like the darkest chapter in T.K’s life. But we got to see it through Gwyn’s eyes as a concerned mother who did not stop fighting for her child. Gwyn’s love knew no bounds, and it even took her to drug dens to drag T.K away.

You could see the terror on her face as she walked through dark alleys and wandered around a crack house searching for a kid. You felt the anguish and worry, including those moments when she saw him and needed to ensure he was OK.

Addiction is a hell of a thing, and the best stories about it derive from a total focus on how it affects all parties — stories that don’t demonize the addict, but ones that also capture the weight of the situation and how it impacts an addict’s loved ones, too.

I can’t bear the thought of going to my own son’s funeral. I can’t bear it.


The flashbacks arguably provided us with more insight about Gwyn than we’ve had since her introduction, and it successfully made her death all the more impactful because of it. She displayed the majestic, intuitive quality one finds in mothers. Gwyn knew it all.

She knew when her son was using, and she realized that she could lose him forever if she didn’t get to him at that moment. It’s doubtful that even Owen could’ve gotten T.K. to rehab.

Even when T.K. lashed out at her, she didn’t give up. And their beautiful moment at the airport where she encouraged him to take those next steps on his own was powerful.

Despite his mistakes or flaws, T.K. is such a great man, and so much of that is due to his mother’s unconditional love.

It’s one of many reasons that it’s upsetting he couldn’t say goodbye to her. It’s like the hits wouldn’t stop.

They missed one flight, and Carlos did whatever he could to get Owen and T.K. on another. But no one could’ve envisioned the faulty engine issues and a cabin window busting out, depressurizing the place.

Seriously, can they ever have a chill experience without all hell breaking loose?! It was utterly insane when the engine went, and suddenly, sweet Genevieve nearly got sucked out the window.

She was such a sweet woman, and there was a weird comfort in T.K. getting to save her. It felt like she was there as a vessel for Gwyn to speak through or something. She provided T.K. a source of comfort without seeing to realize it.

For a bit, it seemed like she would be a goner, too. The slash under her arm nicking an artery felt like a death sentence, especially since they were still in the air. However, the Strand boys worked it out thanks to an assist by Tommy and Nancy.

Genevieve: Life is relentless, isn’t it?
Owen: It sure as hell is. Think I’d be used to it.

What kind of magical cell service do they have where they could make that call from up in the air, and it’s crystal clear? They better share this plan with the rest of us!

Nancy is a good friend for coming to Tommy and alerting her about T.K. She had reason to be concerned, and I’m glad they were diligent and focused on T.K.’s effects rather than trying to get him in trouble. Their worry went up some notches when they got that phone call, and you could tell a lot was going on in their minds.

I appreciated how creative they got when saving Genevieve. The coconut water tidbit was a great one. Can we also give a shoutout to that badass blond woman on the flight?

She was the one who grabbed the luggage to cover up the window, and she also found the coffee pot. The woman is quick and levelheaded under pressure, and it was awesome.

It was suitable for T.K. that he got to put all of his energy into this immediate situation. It meant he didn’t have to dwell on the sadness for too long as he was too distracted. It almost implied that he wasn’t tempted by wanting to use.

T.K. entertaining the idea of using again after such a tragic loss is as realistic as it gets. Given the circumstances, it wouldn’t have been unexpected for him to relapse.

And I sincerely hope that it’s one of those storylines that carry on more. Hopefully, it won’t be a one-and-done thing where T.K. got tempted, but it passed for him.

He almost used, and he had the drugs from the ambulance in his hands. He needs to be diligent, and it doesn’t mean he’s out of the woods. Grief comes in ripples — it ebbs and flows, and it’s non-linear. He has a tough road ahead.

T.K.: We’re not going to make the funeral are we?
Owen: No, son. We’re not.
T.K.: Think she’ll forgive us?
Owen: I think she’ll understand.

If anyone can guide us down that T.K.’s journey, it’s Ronen Rubenstein. It was arguably his best performance on the series to date, and those flashbacks scenes, in particular, were enough to move you to tears.

We’d get to see what T.K.’s world looks like for him without this mother. He has Owen and Carlos, of course. His work is vital to him and gives him purpose. And he’s already devoted to teaching his baby brother about Gwyn so that she’ll always be present in his life.

He doesn’t want to let his mother down by falling off the wagon, and it’s easy to leave it at that, but it would be more humanly realistic if he struggled regardless.

Nevertheless, he has Carlos there as support, always. Seriously, find you a person who loves you the way Carlos does T.K.

It isn’t a single time when Carlos isn’t the epitome of husband goals, and he’s such a grounding, quiet pillar of strength and endless love. He just radiates off the screen.

And speaking of love, is there anyone else wondering if they’ll go somewhere with Nancy and Mateo? No? Just me? OK.

Even though it was another one of those hours that focused almost exclusively on a few characters and the others fell to the back, it was a great one. The hour was emotional and informative, and the performances were fantastic.

Over to you, Lone Star Fanatics. Did you appreciate the flashbacks of T.K. and Gwyn? Are you upset he never made it to the funeral? Hit the comments.

If you missed anything, you can watch 9-1-1: Lone Star online here via TV Fanatic.

Jasmine Blu is a senior staff writer for TV Fanatic. Follow her on Twitter.

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