A Million Little Things – Ironic – Review: Rain on Your Wedding Day


Last week’s episode of A Million Little Things was a bittersweet one – Greta and Katherine celebrate their wedding after many setbacks, but it ends with a scary situation for Gary and his health. This final season has dragged and of course with only two episodes left, everything is starting to pick up and not for the best. I knew it was too good to be true.

For a relationship that’s felt rushed and underutilized, Katherine and Greta finally reach their big day, but it doesn’t go as they initially planned. A rainstorm hits Boston and the brides can’t proceed with their dream of a boat wedding, but Delilah steps in to save the day and rallies the friend group to prepare a nearby nautically themed bar not fit for a wedding for the festivities. Eddie is in charge of delivering Greta’s suit to the venue, but he’s left scrambling on what to do after Charlie paints all over it.

While the group is prepping the dive bar, we learn that Delilah is indeed staying in Boston and is committed to making this co-parent thing with Eddie work. Maggie wonders if there’s potentially something romantic to explore in their relationship, but Delilah is convinced that both her and Eddie have moved on.

Finally the ceremony begins and it’s a family/friend group affair as it should be. Maggie sings and Eddie plays the guitar as Katherine’s mom walks her down the aisle. Carter is back and the officiant of the wedding. The most wonderful surprise of the day is that Greta is now wearing Katherine’s dad’s tuxedo after her original one was ruined – thanks to Katherine’s mom for helping Eddie.

During the reception, Charlie is playing with her dad’s phone and stumbles across the last voicemail Jon left for Eddie. It’s Gary’s first time hearing the message and he angrily confronts Eddie. Now this scene really confused me because I thought Gary would be angry that Eddie kept this secret voicemail from him, but he was angry that Eddie didn’t pursue Delilah after all of these years when Jon was aware and told him to “love each other”.

During this conversation, Gary starts coughing up blood and refuses to go to the hospital per Eddie’s request because he has to give the toast at the wedding. He begins the toast by being his usual Gary-self, trying to make everyone laugh while he’s potentially falling apart inside. But as he approaches the end of the speech, he steers from what he had planned and starts to take a more sentimental turn.

After the festivities are over, Regina listens to Rome about responding to the councilwoman’s negative ad about her, but she doesn’t attack back. She records a video where she is very honest about herself.

Delilah drives Eddie home and he confesses his feelings and that he still loves her and they eventually kiss. Honestly, I don’t understand why the writers are pushing this relationship on us as I feel that Eddie is going backwards after all of the growth that he’s made. I’m confused on what they’re trying to do with Delilah and since she’s been absent for so long, I don’t feel that she can just slide right back into this friend group, but we’ll see.

On a less happier note, Gary doesn’t drive him and Maggie straight home; he goes to the hospital instead. I think we all knew Gary’s health would come back into the picture, but I was hoping that it wouldn’t be with so little time left in the series.

Let me know your thoughts in the comments below about this last episode. There are only 2 episodes left of this final season.

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