
Abbott Elementary Season 2 Episode 16 Review: Teacher Conference

Everyone at Abbott Elementary was excited for the Teacher’s Conference — a spa experience for veterans Barbara and Melissa and a learning utopia for the newbies Janine and Jacob. This episode of Abbott Elementary takes us away from the school for a brief weekend.

For a short moment, they could let their hair down. And you know what they say, what happens at the Pennsylvania Educator’s Conference stays at the Philadelphia Educator’s Conference.

Abbott Elementary Season 2 Episode 16 was a compliment to the season. Except for the lack of Mr. Johnson’s quips, this episode was a satisfying slice of television entertainment.

As they continued to delve into the dimensions of Barbara, we finally got to see her tipsy — and it was as fulfilling as you would imagine. She wanted to let loose, soak and sip, and we were there for it. 

Not without purpose, her flattering professional courtship of the supply lady gave her a project even while she was on vacation mode.

Barbara did not have a particular storyline in this episode, but fans love to see her let loose, especially after she’s been so stressed and uptight.

Melissa was in her element until we encountered her sister, Kristin Marie. Their feud never has and never will make sense, but their sarcastic, mobbish abuse is always on point.

Kristin Marie: You’re leaving already? Like your ex-husband?
Melissa: Late? Like your period after senior prom?

They somewhat made up on this episode, though, prompted by Barbara. Making up for the Schemennti sisters is akin to targeting someone else instead of each other. But it happened, and the sisters united for their caustic cause.

Jacob seemingly found his tribe at the conference — teachers at the neighboring Addington Elementary. Addington is the antithesis of Abbott, and yet, somehow, Jacob seemed to fit right in.

The antics that would get him bullied at Abbott made him a popular fixture at the Addington party. He could never be this free around Barbara or Melissa without a rebuke.

His dorkiness made him a star with the Addington crew, but their hubris about their students eventually turned him off. It would have been nice to see him defend his kids — his underachievers, but we know that he shut it down. And as always, Jacob earns the viewer’s respect.

Ava was an unexpected presence at the teacher’s conference. One could hardly imagine her at an event geared toward equipping and enriching educators. But she was there — teaching a class, no less.

Ava’s disdain for Janine is pure comedy. The moment is hilariously awkward when Janine overhears Ava teaching a class and uses her as an example. Yet, there’s always some truth mixed in her disparagement of Janine.

So, say you have a problem teacher. For our discussion, let’s call her Janina. These Janinas usually have bubbly personalities that cover up deep-seated mommy issues.


It makes you wonder if, somewhere, Ava is jealous of Janine. Perhaps the smart girls made her feel inferior as a child, so she strives to make her feel inadequate.

Whether that’s true or not, her disdain does not extend to Gregory. Her flirtations with him have been less Sexual Harassment and more “I’m down if you’re down” as of late. The moments are less uncomfortable but still humorous.

One of the best parts of the episode was the demise of Amber and Gregory’s relationship. The scene was hilarious, and the fans have been waiting for that to run its course.

They had nothing in common. Amber was getting tired of them speaking two different languages. What was refreshing was that Gregory did not change his identity for her, even though he could have tried to do so for the sake of the relationship.

Amber: Seems like you have a lot planned.
Gregory: It’s the best way to relax… on a strict schedule.
Amber: I don’t think we are on the same page.
Gregory: I’m on page 9. Where you at?

Whether this was a result of the fan-perceived autistic coding of Gregory Eddie or if he was just oblivious to her many outright cries of dissatisfaction, we may never know.

But it’s over, and the fans can breathe a sigh of relief.

The chemistry between Janine and Gregory has always been palpable. Sometimes it’s fraught with sexual tension, and at times it’s comfortable like old slippers, but either way — we are here for it.

We saw their many similarities shine as they strolled around the teacher’s conference. Their love for education, structure, and schedules and their excessive nerdiness that was strange to others but dope to each other was showcased in this episode.

She comforted him when he took the breakup badly, and we saw maturity and wisdom where we sometimes see a Sinclair James or Rose Nylund level of naivete ( and yes, that was both a Living Single and a Golden Girls reference).

It was a good look for her, and his vulnerability had a safe place to land.

Gregory: Why am i always the one who gets dumped? I mean, based on the evidence, it’s got to be me right?
Janine: It’s not you, it’s dating. The only silver lining to dating is that you only have to be right about someone once.

The exhibit they snuck to see was such a moving moment. The plants and flowers for Janine were representatives of the hope and nurturing that embodied her passion for teaching.

For Gregory, the scene was life personified. The floral classroom portrayed both his childhood growing up as the son of a landscapist and his present growing passion for education.

The moment was touching, even if they were a little tipsy. But the alcohol was possibly the cause for their uninhibitedness. And that resulted in what we have all been waiting to see.

The Kiss. Fans will remember this moment because it has been a long time coming. It felt like time stood still as Gregory took the lead and kissed Janine. Her response, to pull on his tie and pull him back to her for a deeper kiss, possibly stopped some hearts.

It was the possible culmination of the Will They or Won’t They of Abbott Elementary fans; however, they immediately backtracked and put us back to square one.

The ending of this powerful moment was appropriate because where would they go from there? They were both intoxicated, Gregory was fresh off a painful breakup, and Janine was still dating his best friend.

TV fans live for this kind of drama, so they keep returning. The episode gave us humor, romance, a dash of reconciliation, and a splash of suspense as they continued the storyline, which keeps the fans craving more.

What did you think of the show? Are you happy with the pace of Janine and Gregory’s potential romance?

What would you like to see covered in the series?

Drop your thoughts in the comments below.

Brandi Powell is a staff writer for TV Fanatic. Follow her on Twitter.

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