
Better Call Saul – Wine and Roses – Review

The final season premiere kicked off with two amazing episodes packed with easter eggs, action, and a return of some fan-favorite characters. First, let’s talk about Wine and Roses, written by Peter Gould and directed by Michael Morris.

It started with a teaser after Saul Goodman leaves with the disappeared and before his time as Gene. Picture the Saul Goodman we got to know in Breaking Bad, then imagine what his house would look like; that was what we saw in the teaser. The tackier, the better, a round bed with a mirror on the ceiling, a tiger print bedspread, Greek statues, stained glass windows, a gold toilet, and topped off with a hot pink thong left in the bathtub. 

 Bob Odenkirk was right; this season will be “heart-stopping.” It started with Nacho unlocking Lalo’s gate to let in the hit-men. As Nacho runs into the dark, Lalo made his escape and went to his neighbor’s house to assassinate his body double so that rest of the cartel world, Lalo, is dead. Lalo planned to go north and take revenge against Gus, but before Lalo got into the hay truck, he made a call to his uncle Hector. Hector heard from Bosa that Lalo was dead, so he was relieved when he heard Lalo’s voice on the other end. Hector was happy and extremely upset that someone had put a hit on his nephew. Lalo told Hector that he would be coming north to take revenge for the hit. But Hector told Lalo to get proof before taking any actions against Gus Fring,” the chicken man.” 

Jimmy continues to suffer from PTSD from his time in the desert. He seconded-guessed himself and even made a mistake by calling Lalo by his real name when talking to the District Attorney but corrected himself, covering Lalo’s ass.

Kim was still pumped about bringing Howard down, but Jimmy was worried about his influence on her. However, Jimmy quietly agreed to listen to Kim’s plan. The next time we see the happy couple is outside Howard’s country club. The way Jimmy pulled off their scam was brilliant. He created a scene and got his way even though Kevin Wachtel was there to expose Jimmy as a con man. Jimmy made his way down to the men’s locker room, he created a distraction, and at Howard’s locker, Jimmy slipped a baggy into Howard’s locker, but before Jimmy could escape, Howard and Cliff Main returned from golfing. Jimmy had to think quickly to decide what to do next. He stripped down to completely nude and hid his face with a towel. Playing by locker room ethics, Howard greeted the naked man and walked off without realizing it was Jimmy. Howard opened his locker door, and that baggy fell out. Cliff Main pointed the bag of cocaine out to Howard; Cliff nor Howard knew what to think. Jimmy walked to his car, where Kim was waiting with a smile on his face. It worked. 

Wine and Roses set up the season for an action-packed season that will make Better Call Saul go down in history as one of the greatest television shows. This season will explain all the little details shown to us in the season’s opener. And will bring back some of Better Call Saul and Breaking Bad’s fan-favorite characters.

 What was your favorite part of the episode?

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