Carter Redwood Previews FBI: International: With Raines, It’s “Action Hero Activated!”


On FBI: International Season 1 Episode 14, Andre Raines had an opportunity to visit with his sister, Jordan, who traveling through Budapest. He was too busy to make that visit meaningful.

On FBI: International Season 1 Episode 15, Raines learns that his sister is missing and goes to her rescue.

Well, I don’t need to tell you about it. We jumped on the phone with Carter Redwood to get his take Raines’s spotlight episode.

Raines Looks Happy

How is Andre going to react to Jordan’s kidnapping after he missed out on a proper visit with her?

First and foremost, when he hears that she’s missing, he goes into shock mode, and then he springs into action.

So I think in Episode 15, we get to see Andre as a protective older brother, but we also get to see a side of a range that we haven’t seen yet in terms of him fully going into the field and doing what he needs to do to protect those that he loves.

So I think there’s huge shop value for him. And then he flips into that mode of, “Okay, how do I figure this out? How do I find her?”

And then not only that, “how do I make sure that she’s safe?” And that he can accomplish what he needs to accomplish, even on his own, without the help of the team, if that’s what it comes to.

Raines Family Visit

Is he going to be beating himself up a little bit and blaming himself since he didn’t get time to spend time with her? Of course, could he do? It’s his job. But it felt like foreshadowing whenever he expressed how much he wanted to spend time, but he couldn’t.

Well, the thing is, the scene that you’re referring to also touches on what their relationship has been. There’s a lot of love for each other.

That brotherly, sisterly love, but there is also a lot of guilt and a lot of shame that he feels just based on things that have happened in their past, things that have happened during their upbringing, and him feeling as though he wasn’t a better big brother to her growing up.

So there definitely is a little bit of guilt and some shame. He wanted to spend as much time with her as he could. She was in Budapest, but they were dealing with such a big case.

So yeah, it’s definitely foreshadowing for what’s to come, but it also is touching base a little bit on what their relationship has been, and just a little bit of that tension and the guilt that he feels.

Raines Gets a Hug

The episode description says that he goes rogue to help his sister, but that seems like the wrong phrase to use for his desire to take action. What kind of help will he get from the others on the team?

When fans watch the episode, it’ll make a little bit more sense, but in a way, he is in a position where he has to do what he has to do, whether his teammates are there for him or not.

And that’s a decision that he makes for himself. And that’s a decision that he makes known to the team. So then it becomes him doing what he knows he has to do regardless of if they step up or not.

And then there is help that he receives. I don’t want to give too much away. But it is very much his journey to find his sister, and he is willing and able and capable of doing what he needs to do to make sure that she’s safe.

Raines Sees His Sister

And I understand that he’s going to get some help from a detective in Kosovo and that it’s Luka Peros from Money Heist. What was it like working with him?

Well, he’s incredible. He’s incredible. We really forged a bond, and I’m thankful to now call him a friend. I had such a great time working with him. He brought a really fun and grounded energy to set every day, and he was just all around really good guy.

So I’m thankful for his presence on set and for him being in this episode to partner up with Raines. I think you’ll get to see a little bit of a buddy cop dynamic that emerges.

But again, I don’t want to give too much away about the episode. It’s an amazing episode. I’m so excited for fans to see it, and specifically, I’m excited for this new side of Raines that we’ll get to see with him out in the field doing what he has to do to find his sister.

Raines Takes Aim

Throughout the first season, it seems like he’s continually questioned his role in the FBI and the FBI’s role abroad. Now that it’s personal, how is this experience going to impact him going forward?

Well, I think that’s the interesting thing about this episode. I think this is the most personal case that the team has dealt with on our show yet, in terms of it being a direct connection to one of the team members. So, you’re right. He has questioned his role at times on the show.

He’s really identified to Forrester that he wants to do more because he’s so good on the computer and so good with the tech things, but he’s really spoken up different times on the show to express his desire to do more.

And I think in this episode, he gets to do more, but it’s such a personal thing for him that I don’t think that he is even questioning his abilities or his skills or his role on the team in that moment. It’s all about protecting and taking care of someone you love.

So I think his emotional tie to this case is really the driving force for him in this episode. And moving forward, I think, for the fans who’ve been watching the show, you really get to see his abilities in this episode, and then moving forward, I think there’s no question as to whether or not he can be a valuable asset in the field.

Raines is Armed and Ready

And FBI International is one of the most interesting shows to come from the US since it films primarily abroad. What are the advantages and disadvantages of that?

The advantages are that we have such an amazing opportunity to really showcase Europe and different parts of Europe.

But I think, as an actor, one of my favorite parts about the show is the set designs and the production design. I mean, literally, every location that we’re on is extravagant and very nuanced, and extremely detailed. So, I literally applaud our production team for every new set that we get because I’m always just so amazed.

We film the majority of our show on location. We don’t really shoot in a studio or on a stage as some other shows do. So, I think that’s one of the coolest things about this project.

Raines Gets Some Action

And as an actor, it’s fun to show up every day and not know what the set is going to look like. So, I think that’s definitely an advantage.

We have an amazing crew here in Budapest, extremely hardworking, and everyone shows up and gives their all. I think, at times, but from my point of view, and maybe this is just me because I only speak English, but our crew is multilingual, and I think sometimes little things get lost in translation.

This is from my perspective. So, that, at times, has been something to adjust to. It’s been a huge adjustment, but at the same time, such an amazing cultural opportunity to learn and to really immerse myself in this experience.

And what’s something that you would like to see your character do in the future? Is there some part of him that you really like that you’d like to see explored?

I think in Episode 15, we’re starting to do the very thing that I’d want to do more of. So, I can say that we’re seeing the action hero version of Raines. It’s like action hero activated.

Raines With an Injury

I think it’s been really fun like I said, and it was such a surprise to me when I got the script for this next episode because I had wanted things to turn in this direction. I didn’t know that they would be turning in this direction so soon.

So, it’s been really fun, as I’ve said, to really showcase his full abilities and full skills in terms of being a well-rounded, special agent.

And find if you could describe the upcoming episode in three words, what words would you use?

Describing the episode in three words, I would say action-packed, stressful, and, I guess, caring. Caring.

Be sure to tune in to FBI: International on Tuesday, March 29 at 10/9c to see Redwood take Raines to new levels!

Carissa Pavlica is the managing editor and a staff writer and critic for TV Fanatic. She’s a member of the Critic’s Choice Association, enjoys mentoring writers, conversing with cats, and passionately discussing the nuances of television and film with anyone who will listen. Follow her on Twitter and email her here at TV Fanatic.

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