Chucky Season 2 Episode 3 Review: Hail, Mary!


“Hail, Mary” is an appropriate title for Chucky Season 2 Episode 3 because the series needs one to return to the brilliance of Chucky Season 1.

The teenagers are still trying to get acclimated to their new dwellings, and just when it seemed like they were getting somewhere, a second doll appeared to unleash holy hell.

The dark humor remains, but the series lacks the spark that made the first season a success.

Knife Edge - Chucky Season 2 Episode 3

Maybe it’s the enclosed nature of the school, or perhaps it’s the fact that we were left with a great Tiffany/Glen/Glenda cliffhanger at the end of Chucky Season 2 Episode 2 that didn’t get any screen time on this episode.

Understandably, the series wants to balance the storylines out to keep enough drama flowing the entire season, but I’m starting to get the feeling there isn’t much plot to go around on Chucky Season 2.

New Friends - Chucky Season 2 Episode 3

Jake, Devon, and Lexy being locked up in a school for troubled youths should have made for a perfect location for terrifying encounters with killer dolls, but the horror is non-existent because the series is struggling to pick a lane and stay in it.

Another glaring issue is the conveniences in the script. Lexy going into the nurse’s office to steal drugs but not scoping the tiny room for anyone else first was just stupid.

Then there’s Jake and Devon embracing in a stairwell in full view of people in the adjacent room.

I know they were probably caught up in the moment, but when you have people wanting to use everything and anything against you, you’d think they’d consider the ramifications of their actions.

Kidnapped Doll - Chucky Season 2 Episode 3

Lexy’s arc continues to be the most intriguing because some of her actions are easy to understand when you consider that she’s battling addiction, a bully, a killer doll, and the fact that her mom’s career has been derailed due to her.

The magnitude of Lexy’s pain is enormous, and it’s hard to imagine her being able to bounce back if she survives the series.

Trevor was truly awful, but I figured he would side with the killer dolls, so major props to the writers for offing him when he seemed like he was here to stay.

The aftermath of this murder will undoubtedly set the stage for some significant changes inside the school.

Father Brice Listens - Chucky Season 2 Episode 3

There will be plenty of questions about where Trevor and the Priest have gone, so I doubt the kids will be able to hide in the shadows much longer.

Lexy having the drugs is also a cause for concern because she was seen in the nurse’s office and seen making jibes at Trevor before his death.

The kids won’t be able to hide Trevor’s body for long, so expect them to be in the frame for it before long.

Rehabilitating one of the dolls was a compelling direction because fans of the franchise knew these dolls to be ruthless killers.

Punishment for Devon - Chucky Season 2 Episode 3

If they managed to turn one to the good side, then I dare say more could follow, but not if Chucky gets his wish.

The killer version of the doll showing up added a much-needed jolt of adrenaline back into the narrative because the pace has slowed down considerably.

If we’re spending an entire episode at the school and not picking up on the aftermath of a cliffhanger, there should be much more things going on to make it worthwhile.

Father Brice isn’t entirely killing it in the way I expected. I figured he would go scorched Earth on Devon and Jake after clocking them making out, but I respect that the show wanted to subvert expectations.

Conflicting Thoughts - Chucky Season 2 Episode 3

All he wanted was for Jake to return to the doll to show some form of progression, making you think about what he will get up to as the season continues.

It’s hard to rule out his being revealed as Lucas and Logan’s brother because there has to be some explanation for why he looks the same as them.

One thing that would make the school storyline more attractive is if the scope was increased to focus on people beyond the core three and Nadine.

Right now, it doesn’t feel like a boarding school for wayward teenagers.

Searching for More - Chucky Season 2 Episode 3

If it were, Jake, Lexy, Devon, and Nadine would have been unable to share a bedroom overnight to rehabilitate a killer doll. There would be far more searches in the rooms to ensure the kids are following the rules.

I know we’re supposed to give a comedy horror of this caliber some leeway, but the conveniences are ruining the fun.

What are your thoughts on Trevor’s death?

Was it shock value, or will it actually send the story in an interesting direction?

Do you think Father Brice is related to Logan and Lucas?

Devon Sawa's New Role - Chucky Season 2 Episode 2

What’s your take on Nadine?

Do you think she’s a villain or a hero?

What are your thoughts on the conveniences in the script? Are they aggravating?

Hit the comments below.

Remember, you can watch Chucky online right here via TV Fanatic.

Chucky continues Wednesdays at 9 p.m. on Syfy.

Paul Dailly is the Associate Editor for TV Fanatic. Follow him on Twitter.

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