
Days of Our Lives Spoilers for the Week of 1-03-22: A Devilish New Year Begins!

A day can last for weeks in Salem, and New Years Day is no exception.

Days of Our Lives spoilers for the week of 1-03-22 suggest that there are a ton of New Years’ parties going on, and of course, there is drama to go with them.

While fans are evenly split on whether they love or hate the Devil, the supernatural doppelganger is hanging around and now possesses Johnny. What does that mean for the beginning of 2022?

Although Johnny has a stunning announcement to make, that won’t happen until the end of the week.

Instead, the Days of Our Lives spoiler video offers relationship drama elsewhere.

Sami swears that Lucas, not EJ, is her soulmate.

This is a bittersweet, false victory for Lumi shippers. After all, Lucas not only kidnapped Sami but framed EJ for the crime to get his rival out of the way. So there’s no way this can end well!

What a cruel New Years’ trick to play on those of us who have shipped this couple for nearly three decades.

If Lumi being a bump in the road to an EJ/Sami reunion wasn’t bad enough, Lucas and Sami are slated to temporarily leave town together. Is their relationship going to be off-screen until it falls apart?

Elsewhere, Ava throws a pie in Rafe’s face. This unnecessary Three Stooges bit might not be in jest, either, since Ava is determined to get revenge on Nicole and Rafe in the worst way possible.

If none of these spoilers appeal to you, don’t worry! We have ten Days of Our Lives spoilers for the week of 1-03-22 below. Please scroll down to check them out.

Allie, Tripp, Chanel, and Johnny celebrate the New Year together.

It’s nice that these four are getting along, though it’s not likely to last.

Now that the Devil possesses Johnny, he will probably break up with Chanel and push her toward Allie.

Ugh. We don’t need any suggestions that gay relationships are the Devil’s work, thanks, and this story has well outworn its welcome.

Sami suggests to Lucas that they leave town to rebuild their relationship.

This has got to be one of the most disappointing spoilers yet.

Sami and Lucas have loved, hated, fought with, and saved each other so many times over the past 29 years and have a ton of fans. But their reunion is not only destined to be short-lived but to occur off-screen.

Hopefully, the writers will at least give us a few strong Lumi scenes before they ship them off.

Kate stuns Roman with her confession.

Is Kate going to tell Roman that Philip is alive?

That type of honesty and vulnerability is entirely out-of-character for her, but if so, I’m here for it.

If anyone can bring out Kate’s better side, it’s Roman. Next, maybe he can do something about straightening out her sons, who have both gone off the deep end.

Steve and Kayla join John and Marlena for New Year’s Eve festivities.

Hopefully, these will be some warm scenes that offer a break from the Devil story and related dramas.

However, since Marlena is freaked out about the possibility of the Devil trying to re-possess her, it may not be as great a celebration as everyone else expects.

Let’s hope that Steve and Kayla can help reassure Marlena and that together they find a solution to her post-possession woes.

Nicole makes an upsetting discovery.

According to spoilers, Nicole will assume Sami decapitated her bear. As if Sami doesn’t have better things to do!

Rafe should ALSO have better things to do, considering that Philip is still MIA, and so is Kristen, but he will help Nicole investigate what happened to their beloved teddy bear.

I think we’ve found the silliest story of the New Year already.

Xander and Jack patch up their friendship.

Just in time for Jack and Jennifer to head off-canvas to Boston!

Hopefully, Jack will be back soon. But this looks like part of his exit storyline. Characters always make up right before one randomly moves, disappears, or dies.

At least this paves the way for Abigail to be team Xarah and further annoy Gwen, though.

Nicole is frosty with EJ when he tries to make amends.

As well she should be!

This Nicole/EJ/Sami triangle has not done EJ any favors. He hooked up with Nicole to hurt Sami, promised Nicole that he and Sami were done, then reconciled with Sami and didn’t bother to tell Nicole.

Now that Sami has again turned to Lucas, it would only show a complete lack of self-respect if Nicole took EJ back.

Xander and Abigail work together to trace Sarah’s whereabouts.

Now that Xander and Jack are friends again and Xander is aware that something fishy happened with Sarah, he will stop at nothing to find his ex.

Abigail has not been a great investigative reporter in the past (HOW many months did it take her to figure out that Gwen was up to no good?), but this at least gives her a story worth watching.

Gwen’s upset that Abigail “betrayed” her by helping Xander get to the truth will be icing on the cake. Sorry, Gwen, but you don’t own Xander, and you deserve to lose him after keeping yet another stupid secret that will blow up in your face.

Anna and Tony return from Europe in time to join the festivities at the DiMera mansion.

Woo hoo! Days of Our Lives is always more fun when these two are in town.

Their one-liners are hilarious, as is their head-butting, and the couple should both have strong opinions on this whole EJ fiasco.

Plus, Anna is intuitive and will likely be the first to realize that EJ was telling the truth all along. This should make for compelling drama.

Johnny makes a stunning announcement.

Who knows what the Devil has planned for its new host?

Most likely, the movie is back on despite Marlena’s recent ordeal, though I wouldn’t be surprised if the Devil influences Johnny to break up with Chanel right after ringing in the New Year.

Whatever this nonsense is, I hope it’s short-lived. Can we fly Eric back stat to exorcise the Devil again?

Your turn, Days of Our Lives fanatics! What are you most hoping for as Days of Our Lives rings in 2022?

Hit the big, blue SHOW COMMENTS button and let us know.

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Days of Our Lives airs on NBC on weekday afternoons. Check your local listings for airtimes or watch on Peacock TV weeknights after 8 PM EST/5 PM PST.

Jack Ori is a senior staff writer for TV Fanatic. His debut young adult novel, Reinventing Hannah, is available on Amazon. Follow him on Twitter.

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