
Dexter: New Blood – Too Many Tuna Sandwiches & Skin of Her Teeth – Double Review: Abandoned

“I do feel a little butchery.”
Dexter continues to struggle with parenting, Harrison’s dark tendencies show up in a very public place, and it is a bit odd he’s not really judged by it, Audreys asks and the teammates of the guy whose arm he broke are angry but nothing beyond that. Angela was understandably angry with Dexter, and Logan seemed eager to step into “Jim’s” shoes. 
It was nice that Angela finally found Iris (though it felt a little too coincidental), and that she saw Dexter in his element, or one of them anyway. She might get to see the other element soon since, by the end of episode eight, she seems to be truly onto him, past the story he told her. I have to say the fact that he recorded Kurt and saved Molly does not directly scream criminal, but I guess she had enough previous suspicion. I’m also glad Angela’s onto Kurt thought it was made pretty clear the only way he’ll be stopped is the “Dexter way”, and I’m definitely looking forward to that. 
The talks between Dexter and Kurt and Dexter and Harrison were definitely highlights for me. Especially when Harrison finally opened up to Dexter, though it was sadly cut short and when Kurt made it clear he knows what happened with Matt, though it doesn’t look like it’d be enough to arrest him either. It was still good to get a bit of Kurt’s backstory though I would like to see how they connect that to the way he kills in the present time.
It’s hard not to feel for Harrison, especially in the context of therapy, it all seems so real, away from the flashy twists, I would’ve loved to see more of this and less of said crazy twists, but I guess it’s too late now. I’m sure Dexter will manage to get away from his kidnapper but it might be too late to have a proper talk with his son before the final episode. Things can only get crazier from here so I guess we’ll have to buckle up.
“We may be through with the past but the past isn’t through with us.”
What did you think about these episodes? Let me know in the comments.
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