Dynasty: Adam Huber Talks Liam’s Amnesia, Revenge on Adam, and the Future of #Falliam


Adam Huber plays the uber dreamy Liam Ridley, the latest addition to the Dynasty cast. 

Huber scored the title of series regular ahead of Dynasty Season 3.  

But even without the coveted upgrade, the heartthrob has been a fan favorite since his debut on Dynasty Season 1 Episode 15, you know, the episode where he married Fallon, a complete stranger, on a whim.

Since then, Fallon and Liam have had a tumultuous yet epic relationship. 

Nothing about their relationship has been conventional. 

After they overcame a love triangle with Culhane, a messy situation with Liam’s uncle, a divorce, and Fallon’s attempts at winning him back from Ashley, it seemed liked things were going to work out.

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Fallon proposed to him on the Carrington lake, and despite losing the ring in the water, Liam still said ‘yes.”

But their happiness was short-lived when her tyrannical brother, Adam, clobbered Liam upside the head and locked him in the pool closet. 

After regaining consciousness, Liam crawled over to the pool, fell in, and woke up with amnesia, which is where we left off when I spoke with Huber. 

Huber dished about Liam’s amnesia, what’s next for their relationship, his possible revenge on Adam, and the storyline he’s dying like to explore. 

Dynasty is back and with it returns all of that Carrington craziness!


Amidst all of that, you’ve been up to series regular. Congrats. Were you expecting it? 

No, I honestly wasn’t.

There have been other people. Wakeema, whose on the show and plays Monica Colby. You know, me and her were kind of doing the same thing we were just recurring, and you kind of go until you book another show or they give you a contract.

And I was testing actually on another show, NYPD Blue is doing a reboot. I got very close to that. And right around the same time, they asked me to be a series regular.

So, you know, it worked out well. I wasn’t getting on PD Blue, so they had me a series regular. No, I was expecting it. I was just kind of chilling. I was just happy to be there. 

It’s a great role to have. 


Has the way you approach and prepare for the character changed now that he does have a deeper storyline and is so loved by audiences?

I have been putting, I think, more work into it. I mean, I’ve always put work into it, and definitely just trying to stay fresh and just trying to understand him.

We’re very similar, but we’re also different. You want to keep his story fresh. I have a journal that I do character journaling in.

I take what I know, and then just create a story around him.

Like, what was the relationship like with my dad? What is the relationship like with my uncle who is on the show played by C. Thomas Howell? And I do that with all the other people in his life. Does that make sense?

Yeah, that’s a very cool approach. 

Yeah, I like working on it. It’s the first time I’ve ever been really given an opportunity to play a character. This is the first time I’ve ever been part of a show as a character. I’m just really enjoying the process of getting to figure out who he is. 

And then comes that amnesia storyline… Liam doesn’t remember Fallon at all! 

Ha. Yeah, I don’t remember anything at all. 

Is it a fun thing to play with?

It is! I did some research on like amnesia and the different types of amnesia and kind of like getting memories back.

You know, it’s a very frustrating thing for somebody to go through, especially like I was sitting there in the hospital and you’re doing these scenes, and I’m like man I’m gonna have these fake wires and thought this is depressing.

I’ve never been in the hospital, I never had to have surgery or anything.

So I was like, wow. And trying to picture seeing yourself in pictures with somebody and you see yourself kissing somebody, but then you have no idea who that person is.

That has to be insanely confusing and frustrating. Like, how do you not have any recollection of what’s going on?  

So, yeah, it’s been fun. You know, we’re kind of the point right now coming out of it where I’m starting to remember a lot more. So, yeah, it’s been fun because I have flashbacks of ‘does he remember, does he not remember, is that a real memory? Is that a fake memory? What’s real and what’s not?’

So, yeah, it does give me some to play with that’s not just Fallon’s sidepiece. 

It was always me and Culhane in the love triangle. And it’s very soapy. The immediate thing is soapy as well, but it’s given me more as an actor to play with. 

Yeah, amnesia is a popular soap opera trope, but it’s fun and it does open up a lot of story opinions, I think.

Yes. Because, you know, people love our storyline, they love me and her together. So, the fact that I can’t remember her at all. There are times we’re going through table reads and I’m like, ‘what’s going to happen? What’s happening with us? Are we really going to get back together?’

You feel how they want the audience to feel because I had no idea what was going on either.

I didn’t know if I was ever going to get my memory back, I didn’t know if me and here were going to continue our relationship.

I really want them to catch a break and have one day where they can be together without all of the drama. 

Well, that’s the thing that like I was talking to Liz [Gilles] and the writers about. Look, you have to have the drama because of the type of show it is. Without it, it’s just kind of “meh.”

But I feel like there’s drama with so many other characters. And the relationship, I want the relationship on the show to be a positive relationship. You know, the younger generation is watching it. I want them to support each other and be there for one another.

Not like have this crazy drama and crazy fighting because not all relationships are like that. And I want to be a strong relationship in the show. 

They definitely need that. Dynasty thrives on the catfights, but Liam has kind of been Switzerland. I want Liam to remember and make Adam pay for what he did. I want him to get that revenge.

I kind of do, as well. I can’t really spoil anything, but we shot something where I kind of remember what happened. I remember Adam did something to me.

We’re kind of right at that storyline right now.

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I can’t really say it, can’t spoil too many beans cause I don’t want spoilers for anyone, but I also have no idea what’s going to happen because we’re right there. I’m just as excited as you are watching. You know, cause Adam has to pay for something.

But I don’t know if he’s going to. I don’t know if Liam’s the type of who’s going to really go after him, you know?

But Adam gets away with everything. 

He gets away with everything. Even with Fallon, that’s why I like that Liam keeps Fallon accountable.

And yes, Adam needs to be held accountable. I love working with Sam Underwood, too. He’s so much fun. But yes, he needs to be held accountable, and Liam needs to do something about it! 

Any part of Liam’s past that you would like to explore more? 

Yes. I want to know more about my kid that I have. 

So do we!

Right? Because when they threw that out there, I was like “whoa, look I got a kid.”

There’s a whole kid. 

There’s a whole kid. A whole storyline. There’s a whole backstory.

Because for me, look, if I had a kid, and I had to give it up, and I knew I had that baby that a part of me is out there somewhere and now they’re like 12 or 13 years old, whatever it is, that would drive me absolutely crazy.

Especially that it’s not part of my life at all.

And that’s something with my journaling that I do that I’ve kind of gone into it a little bit because I think Liam’s a sweet guy and there’s something to be seen there. 

I feel like his family is the one forcing him not to be a part of this kid’s life because they probably want to keep all their money and not have to give it to anybody.

Yeah, so I really want to go down that path, but I don’t know if we’re going to.

Well, we hope you do cause we’re looking forward to it.

Yeah, I think Liam would be a good dad. 

And how would Fallon play into that? That would make things so interesting. 

Exactly. And I have no idea. I’m starting to remember stuff, but I have no idea what’s going to happen with me and her. I don’t know where my character is going. I don’t know what’s happening. 

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Well, like you said, you mostly star alongside Fallon. Is there anyone on the cast or another character you’d love to share the screen with?

I love working with Sam Underwood. Adam is so much fun, and he brings a really cool energy when you’re working with him. 

Me and Rob, who plays Culhane, we kind of had our storyline. I love Alan Dale [Anders], so I’d love to work at him a little bit more.

I would love to see Adam Carrington and Liam get along. 

I don’t know about that. Seems like a far-fetched dream. 

Oh, it’s not going to happen.

I would also love to work with Grant a little bit more. I’ve never been part of the Colby storyline, really, so I think that would be very interesting with Sam Adegoke and Michael Michelle.

You know, I’ve just said mainly everybody on the cast. 

We just have to incorporate you into every scene, and I think the fandom would be super happy. 

Yeah. Yeah! I do like working with everybody. Everybody brings a little bit of something different. But my final answer is Anders because Alan Dale is just such a pro.

I’m going to go with that because I’ve only done like one scene with him really, and I’d like to explore that more. Because he’s just like me. He’s full of wisdom. He’s a smart guy. 


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Lizzy Buczak is a staff writer for TV Fanatic. Follow her on Twitter and read her personal blog at CraveYouTV.

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