East New York Season 1 Episode 17 Spoilers: Will Regina Confront Suarez During An Investigation?


Now that East New York residents aren’t robbing high-end stores, will Suarez be more interested in local crimes?

Even if he does, Regina’s still upset about him seeming to take credit for her solo foot patrol program.

She might not appreciate Suarez showing up to comfort a well-known resident after the woman’s husband is killed on East New York Season 1 Episode 17. And that’s Suarez’s fault for getting too involved in politics.

Regina’s far too professional to confront Suarez in front of a grieving widow. But you can bet she’ll have something to say in private.

Suarez might not be aware that the news station cut his comments giving Regina credit, but that doesn’t absolve him of anything, and Regina will let him know that.

These two need to have it out. It needs to get loud and ugly and result in Suarez choosing one side or the other.

He’s tried to play politics while supporting Regina’s police reforms for far too long. He can’t have it both ways and needs to realize that.

If he had to choose, would Suarez choose Regina’s side? I’d like to think he would, but it’s been a while since he’s had her back. Even before the interview debacle on East New York Season 1 Episode 16, Suarez had the wrong attitude.

He sided with the union boss over Regina, tried to walk back the solo cop policy, and encouraged Regina to make crimes that affect rich white folks more important than what goes down locally.

Regina’s been biting her tongue for too long because of her long friendship with Suarez, but that interview was likely the last straw, as it should be.

Regina has to be somewhat careful. Suarez is her supervisor, so she must stay on his good side.

But chances are that he will want to salvage what he can of their friendship, so he’ll try to make things right. But can he?

This problem wasn’t created overnight and won’t be settled quickly. Suarez has repeatedly betrayed Regina in the name of politics while justifying it by saying that his relationship with Sharpe will open doors for both of them.

He has to understand the consequences of his choice to get in bed with Allison and Sharpe, literally in Allison’s case. And he needs to stop this awful excuse for romance before it goes any further!

Sandeford Takes a Statement - East New York Season 1 Episode 17

Meanwhile, the 7-4 investigates the suspicious death of a local barbeque owner. The man is considered a patriarch, so he’s probably a neighborhood fixture.

Regina wants the 7-4 to focus on this kind of case. Sharpe and others in high positions don’t think East New York residents are important enough to expend energy on.

The victim here might be more well-off than others in the neighborhood, which is all the higher-ups care about. Regina and her team will likely be more concerned about justice than anyone else is.

How will working this case interfere with Killian’s new job? Bobby Azeroff paid him 10K to go with him to Dubai, but it doesn’t appear that any such trip is happening, at least not yet.

Yenko Helps Investigate - East New York Season 1 Episode 17

The case may take most of the hour; spoilers don’t point to any other police activity. That’s a shame; I prefer it when Sandeford and Bentley deal with other neighborhood issues while Killian and Morales focus on homicides.

I wonder if the arguing couple from the beginning of East New York Season 1 Episode 16 will be involved. I still think there’s more to their story; they took up too much air time to be throwaway characters.

Spoilers don’t say anything about what’s happening with Brandy’s mother, either; will Ann-Marie stay in New Jersey for a while?

I hope so. Ann-Marie’s been nothing but annoying since she popped up, and Brandy doesn’t need her to interrupt her work day any more than she already has.

Regina Is Not Happy - East New York Season 1 Episode 17

Intriguingly, Regina’s father is supposed to ask her for an unexpected favor.

Regina doesn’t get along with him and isn’t comfortable with his past. We still don’t know the whole story; we’ve only gotten bits and pieces during Regina’s therapy sessions.

Hopefully, we’ll learn more when he and Regina interact during this story. What favor will he ask her for?

He’s retired and not under great circumstances. Is the favor personal, or does he want to get back to work in some capacity?

Suarez Hugs The Widow - East New York Season 1 Episode 17

Whatever it is that he wants will probably piss off Regina. At the very least, it’ll distract her at a time when she needs to focus.

I wonder if her father will try to advise her about the Suarez situation while he is at it. THAT would lead to compelling drama since Regina isn’t likely to care about his opinion.

What do you think, East New York fanatics? Which spoilers are you looking forward to? What do you hope happens? Hit the big, blue SHOW COMMENTS button and let us know!

Don’t forget you can watch East New York online while you are waiting for the new episode to air.

East New York airs on CBS on Sundays at 9 PM EST / PST.

Jack Ori is a senior staff writer for TV Fanatic. His debut young adult novel, Reinventing Hannah, is available on Amazon. Follow him on Twitter.

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