Grey’s Anatomy Season 18 Episode 13 Review: Put the Squeeze on Me


Let that hour be a lesson that people should not keep pythons as pets!

The python medical case was so much fun, and it served as a nice backdrop to the other personal developments happening on Grey’s Anatomy Season 18 Episode 13.

Mer juggled a job offer and a big step in her relationship with Nick, Link got to express himself to Amelia, Bailey’s kiss with Wright led to some developments, and Webber may bow out of his work at GSM.

Meeting a New Guy  - Grey's Anatomy Season 18 Episode 13

Anthony Hill has been an underused addition to the series, but when they give him moments, he’s endearing as Winston. For one, Winston is such a colossal nerd that you can understand why he and Maggie fit, and also, he’s so utterly devoted to his wife that it’s precious.

The python case was so much freaking fun, and it led to so many amusing moments throughout the hour. Most of them didn’t even know what to do with this situation.

Webber: The whole hospital was talking about how you tamed the snake, Bailey. Indiana Jones.
Bailey: Indiana Jones was afraid of snakes.

It’s not every day that you see a python wrapped around a man’s chest. And the more people they called to the scene, the bigger the spectacle it was. But while everyone NOPED so hard to this situation, Winston proved that he’s such a dork. He knew exactly how they could get Gigi off of their patient.

He was so giddy about the whole thing, too. You could tell it made his day that he was part of something so unexpected. Winston would’ve had a ball with the runaway lions or the million disasters that befell the hospital. I could watch an entire hour of him nerding out over things.

Snake Wrangler -tall  - Grey's Anatomy Season 18 Episode 13

And he and Link were adorable together as they commended themselves on getting the patient out and closing Gigi inside of the car. Can we please have that bromance? Both guys could use a meaningful friendship of some sort.

Bailey working up the nerve to do what no one else would was hilarious. It was just a memorable case that put you in mind of the early days of the series, and it was both fun to watch and stressful when it didn’t seem as if Gigi’s owner would make it off of that table.

It also prompted Webber to reevaluate whether or not he’s still fit to be in the OR. Webber has these moments often, so it’s hard to say if it’ll lead to anything this time, whether it’s him no longer performing surgeries or something else entirely.

But he did mention Levi, and we’re seeing the Webber we know best trying to convince the kid to climb out of his hidey-hole in his mother’s basement and return to GSM. Of course, that was the only Levi mention, and we don’t know if the poor guy is still in a bad state.

Gym Time  - Grey's Anatomy Season 18 Episode 13

Fortunately, the hour didn’t gloss over the awkwardness of the Bailey/Wright situation. The guy apologized profusely, and they must’ve been avoiding each other for some time. But with the shortage and all of that, Wright was right there working on Bailey’s service, and it forced them to interact and have a couple of discussions.

It was weird when Wright mentioned that Bailey sort of led him on, wasn’t it? Was she flattered by him? Of course, no doubt. But I’m not entirely convinced that she was actively leading him on when they were communicating.

That was a weird note for them to leave things on, but at least we know that she told Ben what happened, and the two of them got a good laugh out of the situation. She also wondered if there is something that both off them are subconsciously giving off about their marriage and availability that they both had admirers making moves on them.

But Benley is always good, and they put that to bed with ease. The Bailey-Warren marriage is solid, and their family is precious now that they have baby Pru for good. Yes, if you don’t watch Station 19, it’s official!

Bailey's Happy Family -tall  - Grey's Anatomy Season 18 Episode 13

We also got an update on Farouk, who appears healthy as a horse. Kids bounce back from things so fast! The Altman-Hunt family situation is cute because they have a version of the Grey house going on right now.

Megan is still this underused character they don’t know what to do with most of the time, and the wig they keep putting on Abigail Spencer is horrendously distracting. But it was funny to see her play drill sergeant with her brother. Megan is the one woman who can run circles around Owen.

She knew that he and Teddy weren’t in a good place and needed to talk, so she gave them the space to do that, and honestly, it got ugly. Why is it when Owen and Teddy fight, it always feels like they’re on the verge of breaking things off for good?

Unfortunately, their portion of the hour was the least compelling of them all. Initially, Owen’s arc was interesting, and what made it so refreshing was that it wasn’t about his relationship for once.

The moment it became about Teddy getting angry at him for jeopardizing his family by illegally prescribing drugs for assisted suicide, it lost its luster and felt redundant.

Weighing Her Options  - Grey's Anatomy Season 18 Episode 11

We’ve seen them fight it out countless times before, so it’s a snoozefest.

You can’t even say that Owen walking again was a triumph when it never felt as if he was at risk of NOT walking. The stakes were non-existent when they successfully pulled him out of that car.

Interestingly, Jo continues to thrive in OB, making the medical portion of her storyline worthwhile. It’s consistently good, and she’s happy in the field. She’s doing well in it, too, and it’s allowed her to interact professionally with characters she rarely does.

It also allows her to mingle socially with the cute brother of her patient. Zoey’s Extraordinary Playlist fans can rejoice that Sklar Astin is guest-starring on the series these days, and his character and Jo have instant chemistry.

Jo Is Charmed - Grey's Anatomy

Todd seems perfectly dorky in Jo’s ways, and he’s sweet. On the one hand, it remains irritating as hell that some of the characters can’t stay single for long, and it’s a revolving door of relationship drama for them. Jo, Amelia, and Teddy have been the worst offenders of this over the years.

They’re also three people who could’ve used the time with themselves to figure out what they want and so forth before jumping into another relationship.

I need to hate you for a little bit, not for long, because if I don’t hate you, I love you. And we can’t have that.


Jo thought she was in love with Link probably two days before she met Todd, so it’s irritating. However, she and Todd were cute, so we’ll have to see where this goes. It beats her pining after Link, who she left at the nurse’s station in favor of her needs. Good for her.

And honestly, good for Link. The writing for this character has been frustratingly uneven, but as much as people get in their feelings about him, he had such a human, valid response to Amelia during this hour.

Feeling His Feelings -tall  - Grey's Anatomy Season 18 Episode 13

Amelia is happy with Kai, and that’s great for her, but that doesn’t mean she can micromanage how Link feels on top of everything else. While she can seemingly flick her feelings for him off like a light switch and move on, he cannot. And that’s perfectly reasonable.

She came fresh off her flight from Minnesota, suitcase still in hand, and she wanted to pester him about preschool for Scout. And even when he told her he was busy and had a patient, she was still trying to get him to talk to her since she felt he was giving her the cold shoulder.

He responded professionally to things and wasn’t ignoring her; he just didn’t want to small talk or anything else at that moment. But instead of respecting that, she weaponized his feelings about his parents to shame or guilt him into talking to her, which was unfair.

I loved that Link explained himself clearly and why he needs to be able to hate her right now. It made perfect sense that it was part of his getting over her since he knew and accepted that she didn’t want to be with him anymore. If this is what he needs to do so that he doesn’t love and pine for her, Amelia needs to respect that.

Back From Minnesota -tall  - Grey's Anatomy Season 18 Episode 13

It’s been frustrating that they’ve been trying to make Link seem like the bad guy for having the audacity to behave like a heartbroken human. He’s entitled to his feelings like everyone else.

Link isn’t a bad person because he dared to love Amelia too much and couldn’t abruptly stop when it was convenient for her.

We didn’t get any real scenes with Amelia and Kai to address the kid thing, but Kai and Mer bonded a bit, and they mentioned seeing Amelia.

Fortunately, Kai’s moments during this hour had nothing to do with their relationship with Amelia, and that remains refreshing as far as them standing out on their own.

Hamilton's Offers -tall  - Grey's Anatomy Season 18 Episode 13

It was fascinating to hear what Hamilton means to them. The backstory Kai provided to Mer added a depth to Hamilton that we haven’t seen. Finally, we understand the Kai/Hamilton relationship and the closeness there.

Hamilton, who knew Kai well before they changed their name and pronouns, accepted them as they were without question and adjusted and embraced them better and quicker than their own parents. It’s the type of bond that would foster loyalty and fondness.

David can be demanding and egotistical, but he respects people.


But Mer’s comments about how Hamilton reminds her of her mother made sense, too. You can understand how Hamilton springing that job offer on her felt manipulative. It’s an offer that she can’t refuse!

Mer seems to be taking this offer seriously, so there is a possibility that she could take it. It’s still crazy that Mer’s the one who is reaping most of the benefits from this when it doesn’t feel as if she put in as much of the work.

Introducing the Kids to Nick  - Grey's Anatomy Season 18 Episode 13

Mer and Nick had another minor spat, too, when she implied that he was only with her for the grant money. I doubt that she ever truly believed that, but Mer spent a lot of time content with separating her lives, and it probably scares her that they’re getting serious.

Nick expressing interest in meeting her kids was essential. One of the complaints about him was the lack of interest he seemed to show in her children or consideration of her as a mother.

They changed that with the final moments of the hour. Nick meeting the kids felt like when DeLuca did, and it is solidifying them as a serious couple.

He was so good with them, too. Between this big step and Mer considering this move to Minnesota, romantically, Nick may be it for Mer. How are you guys feeling about that?

Over to you, Grey’s Fanatics.

Was Link behaving immaturely? Do you like Jo and Todd? Should Mer move to Minnesota? Hit the comments.

You can watch Grey’s Anatomy online here via TV Fanatic.

Jasmine Blu is a senior staff writer for TV Fanatic. Follow her on Twitter.

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