Heartstopper Cast Talks Season 2: The Pressure, Paris, and What Excites Them


The much-anticipated Heartstopper Season 2 will soon arrive.

When they set out to make the show, neither the cast nor the crew thought they would be so well received, and it has been surreal for them.

With Season 2 around the corner, the cast was kind enough to answer some questions we, as fans, have about the upcoming season.

Joe Locke, Yasmin Finney, Will Gao, and Kit Connor discussed what fans can expect from the season. Heartstopper creator and writer Alice Oseman shares her thoughts, and Olivia Colman supplements the Nelson family dynamic.

Heartstopper Season 1 was a hit, and with that, the responsibility everyone carried became heavier.

Nick - Heartstopper Season 2 Episode 2

When asked if they felt pressure coming into season 2 after season 1’s success, there was consensus that it was not their little show anymore. The pressure was real!

Alice noted that even if there was pressure because expectations were high, all she could do was what she does best — write.

“I hate disappointing anyone, but I also know that people have a wide variety of different wishes and hopes about season two, and it will therefore be impossible to please everyone. All I could do was write, to the best of my ability, a story that I love.”

For Joe, the trick was to not think about how big the show actually is and, like Alice, do what he does best — act.

“We’re in this bubble, creating this piece of TV, so I think we’ve all gotten very good at not thinking about the enormity of the show’s scale, of what that actually means. Because if you do that, your brain will combust. We’re all very good at not thinking about that.

Charlie - Heartstopper Season 2 Episode 1

“As an actor, you just have to do your best with the character, and that’s all you can do. You’re always going to disappoint some people, so you’ve just got to do your best.”

Yasmin worked harder than she’d ever worked before. Having gained more experience in other works like Doctor Who helped. She felt ready for seasons two and three!

“I think you can really tell Elle is switched on, and she’s ready. I’m just super, super happy and proud of all of us. And yeah, bring on season three.”

Being in the middle of it is what helped Will Gao. Once he got into doing his thing, it was like riding a bike after a while, or in his own words, playing football.

“But when we got back into the groove of shooting, it’s just getting back into a rhythm. You kind of forget that everyone else is going to see the show. You’re just thinking about each scene. It’s kind of like being in a football match.

Elle - Heartstopper Season 2 Episode 5

“You’re just in it; you’re in the zone. But at the beginning, and probably now more than ever, we’re leading into people seeing it, so I’m just like, ‘Ohhhh.’ But I’m pretty confident people will like it.”

Paris plays a significant role in Heartstopper Season 2, spanning multiple episodes. It was a challenging time for the cast as they had to shoot for longer than before.

All the labor paid off as they acknowledged the Paris scenes were some of their most beautiful works.

Alice opened up about why, as the original writer, she chose Paris.

“When I originally created the comic, I chose Paris because it was a believable school trip location – easily travelable from the UK and lots of cultural landmarks. But thematically, it marks a step outside of the cozy, relatable world of Truham that we have come to know in season one.

Tara and Darcy - Heartstopper Season 2 Episode 4

“As the characters are growing up little by little, they are thrust into a big new world. Away from home and the prying eyes of parents, they’re getting a first little taste of adulthood. And with that comes new experiences and a lot of drama.”

Even with all the heavy lifting involved in Paris, Kit Connor enjoyed the city when not working.

“There was one morning where everyone was a little bit exhausted. Then I suddenly found myself on the top of the Sacré Coeur. I was watching the sunrise, and it was the most beautiful thing I’ve ever seen in my life.

“That was the moment where I had to pinch myself. We were shooting in Paris, in these beautiful places. There was something really special about it.”

Joe dished on how special Paris is for Nick and Charlie.

David - Heartstopper Season 2 Episode 7

“Paris is such an important part of the story for Charlie. It’s when Nick and Charlie come out as a couple. All of the other characters have very integral moments in Paris, too, because obviously, it’s the City of Love. It’s a very great part of the season, I think.”

Emily in Paris, who? Talk about Elle in Paris! Yasmin Finney was blown away by the Parisian magic, which Elle was enchanted with and owned the city.

“To be in Paris and to be on set was so surreal because it was the first time I’d ever filmed in Europe.

“I felt like, ‘Wow, this is my job, and I get to do this as a job.’ Even though that was the most intense week because we fit it all in one week. Most of Elle’s scenes were literally in Paris. It was like Elle In Paris, not Emily In Paris. That’s what it was giving.

“I was so overwhelmed, but I was so happy, and I was so thankful because it was just so surreal. It’s an experience I would love to go back and redo, maybe with fewer scenes, but honestly, it was just the best thing, and it was just really nice. It was intense, but it was really, really good.”

Will Gao had multiple challenges, including a malady and grueling scenes. Still, eventually, the work spoke for itself.

“We all actually got quite ill during that week of shooting! It was a challenge professionally for me because there were so many scenes with Tao and Elle in Paris. We were back-to-back every day.

‘And then I got this flu, so it was doubly challenging. But I’m really glad that I got through it, and we managed to make the scenes look really nice and beautiful.

“I think Simona [Susnea], the DOP, did such a great job with those Paris scenes, with the scene in the Louvre. That was my favorite scene to shoot, actually, in The Louvre, because it was a small crew.

“Only six of us were allowed, including the cast. It was literally like making an edgy short film or something. It was really fun to shoot that scene and really play with it.”

Tao - Heartstopper Season 2 Episode 3

Paris is great for everyone but slightly different for Elle Argent and Tao. Will teased about it some.

“Paris is the city of romance and love. Seeing their journey develop and blossom, particularly within that setting, with the backdrop of Paris, is a really beautiful thing. I think it’s going to create a lot of smiles and good vibes. It’s a great place to have this young love shown.

“I don’t see lots of young people going to Paris. Lots of couples go, right? So it’s great to have it in the world of Heartstopper, this really romantic trip, where everyone seems to be in the summer of love.”

Among some of what happens in the season are new characters. Alice introduced everyone.

“In season two, we’ll meet Nick’s older brother David, a university student who has come home for the summer, and it’s immediately clear that he and Nick don’t have a great relationship.

Isaac - Heartstopper Season 2 Episode 6

“We’ll also meet Nick’s mostly absent father, Stéphane, and find out more about their relationship – or lack of it. Tara, Darcy, and Elle befriend fellow student Sahar, who is looking for help with organizing the school prom. 

“When Elle tours a potential Sixth Form art college, she meets trans teens Felix and Naomi and forms some new friendships. We also meet James, a Truham student and school library assistant who has a friendship with Isaac… until some complicated feelings get involved.

“Mr. Ajayi is supervising the Paris trip with science teacher Mr. Farouk, and despite their opposing dispositions, the two form a swift alliance. And maybe something more.”

She also talked about the decision to focus on Isaac Henderson slightly more.

“I always knew that I wanted to include asexual and aromantic characters in the Heartstopper TV show in a big way, as this wasn’t something I have yet been able to find room for in the comics.

“I’m excited to begin that storyline in season two with Isaac. The journey towards figuring out that you are ace and/or aro is rarely seen in any media, but especially on screen.

Mr Farouk - Heartstopper Season 2 Episode 4

“I wanted to show that journey and all the self-doubt and confusion and messiness that comes with it. Isaac is surrounded by a lot of couples in his friendship group, so when he realizes that a fellow student has a crush on him, Isaac feels the pressure to reciprocate… but does he?”

She expounded on Tara Jones and Darcy and their significant screentime.

“Tara and Darcy have been dating the longest out of all our show’s couples, but they haven’t ever said the words ‘I love you’… until Tara blurts it out by accident. When Darcy doesn’t say it back, this triggers each of them to spiral and question each other’s feelings.

“Of course, it wouldn’t be Heartstopper if I couldn’t reassure you that everything will be okay in the end… but Tara and Darcy have some quite big things to learn about each other before their relationship can truly level up.

Charlie and Nick - Heartstopper Season 2 Episode 4

“In season one, we learn a lot about Tara’s sexual journey but not much, if anything, about Darcy’s. So in season two, we’ll be shifting the focus a little to Darcy and finding out more about her!”

Teachers on Heartstopper are as lovable as the students, which is quite rare in teen TV shows. Alice talked about why it was important to see queer teachers onscreen.

“Due to Section 28, which prohibited the ‘promotion of homosexuality’ in UK schools, queer teachers couldn’t be open about their identities, or they’d risk losing their jobs. Section 28 was only repealed in England in 2003 (though an adapted form of it remained in practice in Kent – where the Heartstopper comics are set – until 2010).

“Seeing queer teachers on screen, with that history in mind, is radical and revolutionary.

“The concept of queer teens being able to reach out to queer teachers for guidance and advice feels almost utopian even to someone of my age, who was still in school a mere decade ago. But hopefully, teachers like Mr. Ajayi and Mr. Farouk are becoming more and more commonplace in schools today.”

Mr Ajayi - Heartstopper Season 2 Episode 4

The season deviates from the comics. Alice talked about what’s new that fans should expect.

“The relationship between Tao [Xu] and Elle takes up much more space than in the comics. We know from season one that there’s some romantic tension between them, and those who have read the comics will have some idea about how that develops.

“But we’ve added so much to that storyline that isn’t in the comics. We also spend more time with Elle as she begins to think about her future aspirations, particularly whether she wants to stay at Higgs for Sixth Form or go to an art college.

“And there will be a school prom! This doesn’t exist in the comics at all but is, of course, a staple of much teen media. I was very excited to have the opportunity to write a prom for our gang and all the joy and drama that occurs there.”

Ben - Heartstopper Season 2 Episode 2

The cast was excited to share what they were excited for fans to see in Heartstopper Season 2.

Alice struggled to pick one thing but settled on the evolution of Nick Nelson and Charlie’s relationship.

“There’s more silly banter between them, more fun romance without so much nervous tension, and their love for and understanding of each other is growing with every episode.

“I think fans will be blown away by Kit and Joe’s performances – Kit and Joe know Nick and Charlie so deeply now, and they have such a trusting and strong acting partnership. I truly count myself blessed that these two incredible actors are playing two of my dearest characters.”

Kit was excited for everyone to see the Paris episodes. But he was also excited about Tao and Elle’s relationship.

Imogen - Heartstopper Season 2 Episode 4

“This isn’t in the comics, but the thing that really excites me is Tao and Elle. The first time I watched season two, I was audibly giggling when I was watching some of their scenes. The two of them are utterly wonderful in this season.

“Yasmin and Will are annoyingly good. They are so, so good in it, and they are so adorable. I can’t wait for people to fall in love with them even more than they already have.”

Joe shared Alice’s sentiments about the nature of Nick and Charlie Spring’s relationship. He pinpointed his favorite scene.

“My favorite scene in the show is the last scene in episode eight. It’s also the scene I’m most proud of in the show.”

Sahar - Heartstopper Season 2 Episode 2

Joe was also excited for one more scene.

“I’m excited for the dinner party. That was so fun to film. Especially the bit where Tori kicks David’s phone. That’s a very iconic moment in the comics, and I’m very excited for everyone to see that.”

Will Gao was also excited about the Paris scenes. But his heart was stolen by a scene with Nick and Tao.

“I mean, the whole show looks great. I think the DOP did such a great job. And then there’s one scene in episode eight where Tao and Nick have a real heart-to-heart. I’m really excited for people to see that as well because that was a lot of fun to shoot.”

Olivia Colman had this to say about the Nelson family this season. “The family dynamic is one that many will recognize. Not all family members ‘get it.’ An excellent prompt for discussion and possibly a cathartic moment to again realize you’re not alone.”

With Netflix greenlighting season 3 already, it was natural that it would be part of the conversation. When asked about his hope for season 3, Joe Locke said: “I actually don’t know anything about season three yet.

“So I want to see some Charlie and Mr. Ajayi scenes. That was one thing I wished was in season two that we just didn’t have time for.”

But she who knows everything Heartstopper had an inkling. Alice teased season 3 in one word: love.

Heartstopper Season 2 drops on August 3 only on Netflix.

Denis Kimathi is a staff writer for TV Fanatic. He has watched more dramas and comedies than he cares to remember. Catch him on social media obsessing over [excellent] past, current, and upcoming shows or going off about the politics of representation on TV. Follow him on Twitter.

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