
New Amsterdam – 4×01 – More Joy: Preview

The season four premiere of New Amsterdam, titled More Joy, pushes and pulls at our emotions, as it also does with the order of the storytelling, all the way to an ending I didn’t anticipate, but one that has me excited for this season.

Drama ensues at New Amsterdam. There is fire, in the bedroom, and actual fire, at the hospital, and there is a man so distraught he’s lost sight of what’s right and good.
The episode relies on the audience’s pandemic experiences to elicit empathy, and, in that moment, we sympathise, even if we could never approve of the actions.

Reynolds continues to have awkward conversations, and dodges talking about them as best he can. He manages to dodge most of them, anyway.

Lauren has a couple of questionable moments early on, which she fixes by the episode’s end, and also seems to learn from. And Iggy heals and inspires.

If Sharpwin’s your thing, expect the ride to be just a little bumpy. Every relationship needs some angst, especially in television, and this week it comes in the form of Max’s filter faltering when he’s in love.

The end scene is lovely, and has left me with many, many questions, and the aftermath of Max showing up at Helen’s door last season, from the moment that door closed to what the next morning looks like, is sweet, and soft, with a hint of sadness, and just the perfect mix of what you’d expect from these two beautiful, strong, independent people as they navigate a new relationship.

Best Lines:

“Just like halter tops and head scarfs, young people are bringing it back.”

“We’re less than a year away from needing our own selfie wing.”

“I came spilling out in a way that I don’t have any interest in boxing back up again.”

“Holy sh—No, I’m not interpreting that… it was very explicit.”

“I’m going to run through the streets butt-naked.”

The season four premiere, More Joy, airs Tuesday September 21st at 10/9c on NBC.

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