Superman and Lois – Uncontrollable Forces – Review : Different Kinds Of Heroes


Beware of spoilers for the episode in the article. Please do not continue reading if you haven’t watched the episode yet and you are not okay with being spoiled.

Introduction :

We had a great premiere episode and this episode is no exception, it was probably one of the most emotional episodes of the series so far.

Lois :

This episode was very Lois centric as we discovered that Lois followed through with Doctor Irons request from the last episode to do more medical tests on her. Whilst we don’t find out of the gate exactly what’s wrong with Lois. We spend a good chunk of the episode noticing that something is clearly up with Lois , she seems more distracted and in her head like she isn’t really present. Not being mentally present is a very odd thing and something thats very rare for Lois. Clark doesn’t pressure her to tell him what’s wrong but instead trusts that Lois will tell him when she is ready. Elizabeth “Bitsie” Tulloch does a terrific job in this episode as she sells the buildup and eventual reveal that Lois has been diagnosed with inflamatory breast cancer. Lois also reveals her diagnoses inorder to connect to the Judge and save her life. This scene was important for this episode as it showed to an extent that different kinds of heroes exist , not all heroes wear capes. Clark also supports Lois soon after this showing exactly why they are such a great couple.

Lana and John Henry :

As a follow up from last weeks episode ,Onomatopoeia murders Mayor Dean whilst he is on a phone call with Lana. It seems the writers are setting up a potential Lana and John Henry romance and simultaneously a Kyle and Chrissy relationship too. During the episode Lana goes looking for Sarah at the Irons house after Mayor Dean’s murder since she used to be friends with Dean’s son and she ends up having dinner with John when she discovers Sarah has gone to a party in Metropolis with Natalie without her knowledge. This leds to the two parents eventually going back to Lana’s office were they find a flashdrive hidden in Lana’s office. Onomatopoeia shows up for the second time in the episode and uses her sonic powers to immobilize Lana and John and take the flashdrive. I’m glad we have a villain with a different power set from the usual krptonian related power set on the show. It’s aso confirmed that Mayor Dean’s murder is clearly connected to Bruno Manheim since Onomatopoeia seems to be his assasin. We also discover that the shows Earth John Henry was murdered by Onomatopoeia on Bruno’s orders ( this episode also seems to set Bruno’s sights on John since we know Bruno will probably go after John for his experiments which seem to be failing). I like how all of the story threads this season seem to be heading toward Bruno , this makes the season feel very connected as a whole so far.

The teens :

Jordan and Sarah

Jordan and Sarah are struggling a bit with getting used to their new normal as just friends. I’m glad they had a conversation about how that’s weird for both of them to navigate since Sarah hasn’t wanted to be friends with her exes before and Jordan is also struggling with letting Sarah go and how to act around her since she was his first love and first girlfriend .

In keeping with the episodes recurring theme of different kinds of heroes we also see Sarah stand up for Jordan at the party even though she knows he has powers and he doesn’t need it. Sarah and Jordan clearly still care for each other. It seems like the show might want to use Jordan and Sarah to explore Clark and Lana’s comic accurate relationship as best friends with Lana always knowing Clark’s secret from the start and maybe taking part in some of his adventures. I would be okay with the writers doing this and not just using Sarah and Jordan to add romantic conflict to episodes.

Jonathan and Eliza

As soon as Eliza walked out of the house I knew she invited Jonathan to the party because she wanted to get back together with him. Jonathan was very gullible not to notice that. I never liked the little we saw of Eliza in season 1 and I don’t think this episode made her look any better , she knows Jonathan is with Candice right now. I’m glad Jon stopped their situation from going further when he realized what she wanted. It’s interesting how Jordan and Jonathan now look so alike in the show ,like actual twins.

Natalie and Mattheus

Sarah being Natalie’s wing-woman was great since it allowed the girls the chance to spend time together as friends. Natalie seems to be anactive part of this season which is great to see especially in comparison to how she was used last season. Natalie met a boy at the party in Metropolis and I didn’t think about this when the episode was airing but in retrospect I think it’s pretty possible Matteo is probably Bruno Manheim’s son, Natalie connecting with a random boy in Metropolis seems a little too convenient for this show. Matteo “Matt” Manheim does have a ring to it. I don’t think this is the last time we’ve seem Matteo this season especially with Metropolis being such an active part of the show this season.

Bruno Manheim

The balcony scene with Superman flying into Bruno’s apartment reminded me of similar scenes of Superman doing the exact same thing in the Superman Animated series when he would visit Lex Luthor. The writers are clearly Superman fans. Bruno also seems like he might have been a guy who had good intentions before eventually turning to the dark side. His conversation with Superman really highlited this, Bruno might be human but he is as equally dangerous as either Lex or Morgan as a villain. Bruno also seems to be a bit cocky and that will probably make him sloppy eventually, he is clearly a person who is used to always getting what he wants. I am sure he will go after John Henry Irons soon if for no other reason that to tie up loose ends since he isnt aware that this is a different John from the one he ordered to be killed by Onomatopoeia.

Conclusion :

So far after the first two episodes the third season feels like a massive step up from season 2 of the show delivering great action, stakes and character development. This show really feels like a perfect combination of both Lois and Clark : The New Adventures of Superman and Smallville together as a series.

Join me weekly for more reviews of the third season of Superman and Lois on the CW.

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