
‘1000-Lb. Sisters Exclusive:’ Hush Money Bombshell, Who Did TLC Silence?

In our latest 1000-Lb. Sisters exclusive, a hush money bombshell has been dropped on us. Turns out, TLC paid to silence someone. What did this person know that TLC didn’t want viewers to know? And, who was it that TLC silenced? We’ve got the inside scoop!

1000-Lb. Sisters Exclusive: Hush money bombshell dropped

Shortly after Season 2 of 1000-Lb. Sisters ended, a rumor swirled that Tammy Slaton became violent with a member of the staff at the rehab center she was staying at. The rumor claimed Tammy was kicked out of the facility after striking a member of the staff. The rumor even alleged a family member of this staff member was going around Facebook fan groups for the show and confirming this actually happened.

Now, Tammy Slaton went on social media and laughed off the rumor. She told 1000-Lb. Sisters fans not to believe everything they hear about her. And, she insisted it wasn’t true. Tammy Slaton clarified she would absolutely hit her family members. But, she would never hit someone who wasn’t related to her.

TvShowsAce has had several different sources come forward to confirm Tammy Slaton did hit a nurse while she was at the rehab center for food addiction. Our sources tell us this happened and it was a huge factor in why she was kicked out of the facility. Turns out, Tammy Slaton was aggressive and uncompliant with staff during her stay at the facility. She reportedly became violent with staff when they took her blood pressure, drew her blood, or tried to get her to do things she didn’t want to do.

The facility was not happy with how difficult of a resident Tammy was. And, they did not care for having cameras inside of their walls. So, Tammy Slaton physically hitting one of their nurses was the last straw.

Tammy Slaton From Youtube

Tammy Slaton booted, TLC silenced the nurse

Our source tells us the whole storyline involving Tammy Slaton calling her family to come and get her was made up by TLC. The facility kicked Tammy out. Not wanting the other side of this story to get out, our source confirms TLC paid the nurse hush money not to go public with the fact that Tammy hit them.

Several of our sources have told us that TLC urges Tammy Slaton to control herself and her temper. But, the network also does nothing about the way she treats people and is quick to reshape the story to paint her as more of the victim as opposed to the bad guy.

Did you catch the rumor that Tammy Slaton got removed from rehab for hitting a nurse? Did you believe Tammy when she said the rumor was not true? Share your thoughts on this 1000-Lb. Sisters exclusive with us in the comments. And, keep coming back for the latest tea on this TLC series.

Disclaimer: TvShowsAce has several different sources connected to 1000-Lb. Sisters. We’ve spoken to Phillip Redmond’s baby mama, we’ve spoke to a friend of Jerry Syke’s current girlfriend Ashley, we’ve spoken to a few people who prefer to stay anonymous, and we’ve even exchanged a couple of emails with Amy Halterman (keep in mind Amy only reaches out/answers questions in off seasons and she’s very careful NOT to violate her contract with TLC). TvShowsAce does NOT pay sources for information. They reach out/come forward/answer questions because they believe the other side of the story has a right to be made public. Anonymous sources aren’t revealed for their own safety and privacy, but they are vetted beforehand. 

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