
Becca Kufrin Details Pregnancy Complication

The Bachelorette Becca Kufrin updated fans about her pregnancy and shared more details about the complication she’s having. She revealed the details during a fan Q&A on Instagram Stories. What is her condition and how is she coping? Keep reading to find out the details.

Bachelorette Becca Kufrin details pregnancy condition

The Bachelorette Becca Kufrin shared a pregnancy update with her fans on Instagram. She shared that she has had a rough few weeks. Becca responded to a fan who asked her to share her pregnancy condition and also wished her well.

Becca replied sharing that she has placenta previa. She said, “I have placenta previa which basically means my placenta is covering my cervix.” She went on to say that normally the placenta is on top but in her case, it’s on the bottom. So, she shared she is unable to do certain activities. Becca said she can’t “travel on a plane, workout or do anything other than walk.”

She continued saying she is slowly losing her mind and has endured a rough few weeks. However, she clarified that as long as their little boy is healthy she doesn’t care. She said, “Pregnancy so far isn’t quite what I expected but we are adapting.”

Becca has tons of support from family and friends to help her through the rough spots. She started new meds and is focusing on her mental health. Becca will have another baby scan in three weeks and they are hoping things shift. In the meantime, Becca encouraged everyone to give all the mama-to-be women some extra love.

Other fans wanted to know what Becca has been craving while pregnant. She is wanting everything with sugar and even said she’s basically Buddy the Elf. Becca is also enjoying a lot of Greek yogurt parfaits. When she’s not enjoying that she’s eating pears and Cheetos.

What is placenta previa?

According to the Mayo Clinic, placenta previa is a problem during pregnancy when the placenta completely or partially covers the opening of the uterus (cervix). The complication pregnant women need to worry about the most is possible bleeding during or after pregnancy. The problem can correct itself. However, if the issue does not correct itself the baby will most likely be delivered via C-section.

There is also a possibility of preterm birth for women who have this condition.

Hopefully, Becca will be one of the lucky ones and her placenta previa will correct itself.

What do you think about Becca’s complication? Have you experienced this condition?

Stay tuned for more updates.

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