
‘Big Brother’ 25 Start Time Delayed: When Will It Air?

Tonight fans turned on CBS ready to watch Big Brother 25, but instead, they got golf. That means that the show is going to be airing late or not at all. Fans have been waiting all day to watch Big Brother and The Challenenge. So what is going on with Big Brother tonight?

CBS Tweets About Big Brother 25 Running Late

CBS went to their Twitter to share about Big Brother 25 running late and shared that it will still air. The thing is you will be waiting a bit because 60 Minutes is going to air first. You will also get to see The Challenge, but it will be late as well. Here is the tweet.

As you can see this is only on in a few timezones and not everywhere. 60 Minutes started about an hour and 14 minutes late. That means that Big Brother won’t be starting until about 8:14 CST. You can still watch the show but be prepared to wait a while. You will need to set your DVR to run over or set other shows to record. The same with The Challenge as it won’t be airing until after Big Brother airs tonight.

Fans Upset By This News

Fans were pretty upset by this news about Big Brother 25. They have been waiting to watch it considering that the live feeds were even down for a while. Here were some of the responses to the tweet:

Were you shocked to see golf on instead of Big Brother 25? Do you feel like CBS could have handled this differently? Sound off in the comments below on your thoughts about this delay.

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