
Fans Repulsed By Whitney Way Thore’s Latest Admission

Fans are repulsed by My Big Fat Fabulous Life star Whitney Way Thore’s latest admission. She has done and said a lot of things and not everyone agrees with her. Yet, it was something she just admitted that had fans feeling off. So, what did the reality star admit to and why is it so repulsive? Read on for more details.

Fans Repulsed By Whitney Way Thore’s Latest Admission

Whitney Way Thore has been through a lot with losing her mother, Babs. She adored Babs but she knew that she had to move on and she has done that. Thore has dropped weight and is really feeling herself. This is vital in the healing process. However, not everyone who knows of her cares for her. Now, she has made an admission and it has repulsed her fans. So much so that it actually started a Reddit thread addressing the situation. Yet, what could possibly be so bad that it would need its own thread?

Whitney Way Thore-YouTube

Apparently, Whitney Way Thore went on social media and was doing a “get ready with me” segment. She was apparently going to an event as she posted in the comments. Thore also shared about how she never actually made it to her destination. However, it was the last part that really irked the OP. Whitney said that she had not washed her hair in nine days since she had it professionally curled. The OP wrote this: “Who openly admits they are skanky like this??”

Whitney Way Thore-Reddit

What did fellow Redditors have to say about this revelation? “I have a feeling it’s all the time except when there is a camera crew in the room,” one noted. Another added: “Yes, I think so. Remember when she peed in the jacuzzi with her friends in there ? So gross.” Apparently, this bothered others, as well and they couldn’t believe her friends indulged her in such behavior. Finally, someone had this to say: “With as much as she sweats and as filthy as her home is? Constantly lying in bed. So NASTY.” 

Perpetuating A Stereotype

One person felt that Whitney Way Thore perpetuates a stereotype about overweight people and that made them really unhappy. They admitted that, though they keep themselves up, Whitney sets them back. More so, they shared that they fear all people see is Whitney when they look at them. That is really sad because she is just one person and her behavior should not reflect on everyone. As for hair washing, according to the Cleveland Clinic, every two to three days is best, maybe shampooing just once a week.

Are you repulsed by the fact that Whitney Way Thore does not wash her hair regularly or do you not care? Let us know in the comments.

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