
Honey Boo Boo & Family ‘Burned’ By Big Chain Eatery

Alana ‘Honey Boo Boo’ Thompson and her family have been hustling hard to earn money. They promote Cameos while sharing where fans can send gifts if they desire. One thing that brings in an income is their familial meet and greets. Over the summer, they traveled to California to meet their fans. Recently, they did one in Atlanta at a popular chain eatery. Now, it seems the Atlanta one may not have panned out as planned. Lawyers are now involved and Alana is fuming mad. Read on to find out what transpired.

Honey Boo Boo ‘Burned’ By Eatery

Alana and her entire family have been promoting their meet-and-greet appearances via social media. The fans get to take photos with her sister Pumpkin and her husband, Josh Efird. Additionally, their four kids are also in attendance as is Alana’s boyfriend, Dralin Carswell. The family also promises music, fun, and an all-around good time. Unfortunately, the location of one of these events did not hold up their end of the bargain.

Alana took to her Instagram to share her side of the story. Next to a family photo from the meet and greet, she explained that it occurred at an Atlanta Boston Market. Fans might recall she had partnered with the food chain to promote their new chicken tenders a few months back. In any case, she revealed that this event brought in 200+ guests for the special event. Sadly, it appears that the owner ‘burned’ Alana, her family, and her manager out of $8500. More so, the food chain has turned off its comments, according to HBB.

HBB promoting Boston Market’s nuggets

To rectify this mess, Alana has requested that her fans unfollow the company. Additionally, she has retained legal representation in an attempt to get her money. Finally, she started the hashtag #justiceforbooboo. So, what did her fans have to say?

Standing By HBB

Upon reading what Honey Boo Boo and her family went through, her fans immediately jumped to her side. They claimed that they were never going to eat Boston Market again. Furthermore, some said that, though they loved the food, they would not eat at a place that could do this:

Some fans noted that maybe they should pick better locations to do their events at. Others said that she should always get her money upfront. Yet, HBB probably felt very confident in the company and working with them that she did not think twice. It is also her manager’s job to do the thinking for her in business dealings.

Since early this year, Alana and Pumpkin have been struggling to get by. In April, Pumpkin gained sole custody of her sister and then welcomed twins the following month. She gets $800/month in child support from her mother, Mama June so the family has had to hustle. Sadly, this hustle took a rough turn. Hopefully, they can rectify the situation sooner rather than later.

Does it shock you or sway your opinion on the food chain? Let us know.

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