
Lifetime Announces ‘Pride: A Seven Deadly Sins Story’: Details

Lifetime’s Seven Deadly Sins series continues. This time, they are tackling a familiar one with their movie, Pride. This stars Stephanie Mills, Jaime Callica, Keeya King, Lucia Walters, and Thomas Miles.

Felicia Brooker wrote the script, with Troy Scott directing.

What Is Lifetime’s Pride: A Seven Deadly Sins Story About?

What do we know about Lifetime’s Pride: A Seven Deadly Sins Story? According to The Futon Critic, Birdie Moore (Mills) is a television reality star. She became famous thanks to her delicious baked goods. Yet, although Birdie has perfectly crafted her public persona, just as she crafts her home-baked products, some secrets come out. These are secrets that Birdie thought she buried for good.

However, those family secrets come to light. But, Birdie must let go of her pride to repair her relationship with her daughter. They stopped talking. Can she get a conversation started? Her son Gabe Moore (Miles) is a “thieving opportunist.”

Birdie’s pride has not helped her granddaughter Ella Boudreaux (King). In her 20s, Ella is just trying to figure out her way. However, her missteps may be preventing her from moving forward.

“While pride helped drive Birdie’s success, it also made her blind to what was happening around her. Will Birdie finally be able to see and admit the truth, or face the consequences of her pride?”

Pride Used with Lifetime’s permission

When Can You Watch Pride: A Seven Deadly Sins Story?

The premiere of Pride: A Seven Deadly Sins story is on Saturday, April 8, at 8 p.m., Eastern, on Lifetime. It is available to be streamed the next day.

What Are The Other Lifetime Seven Deadly Sins Movies?

In the past two years, Lifetime has released other Seven Deadly Sins original movies. They include Lust, Envy, Wrath and Greed.

Bishop T.D. Jakes Is Back As Executive Producer

Bishop T.D. Jakes  is working again with Lifetime for  Pride: A Deadly Sins Saga. He is an executive producer of this movie, which is based on a book. This book is called the  Seven Deadly Sins anthology. Victoria Christopher Murray is the author.  
Bishop T.D. Jakes is the senior pastor at Potter’s House. This is a Dallas-based church that boasts over 30,000 parishioners. Jakes has been a producer of many movies. In addition, he has been in front of the camera as well. In movies like Jumping The Broom and Munya, he portrayed a pastor.

What Are The Seven Deadly Sins?

Viewers may ask, what are the seven deadly sins? They are sloth, gluttony, lust, greed, pride, envy, and wrath. You don’t need to be a betting person to guess that Lifetime will eventually make Sloth and Gluttony in the next couple of years.
Don’t forget to catch the premiere of Lifetime’s Pride: A Deadly Sins Saga on Saturday, April 8h at 8 p.m. Eastern.
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