
‘Survivor’ 42: Chanelle Finally Answers One Of Our Biggest Questions

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The first boot of the merge is here. Survivor 42 has been full of chaotic tribals and dramatic moments to get to this phase of the season. Chanelle Howell has become the first member of the jury, showing how painfully pre-merge decisions can follow you into the merge.

In the wake of Episode 8, Chanelle has done an exit interview with Rob Has A Podcast. In the interview, she speaks on a lot of the highlights from her game. From being shut out of the conversation immediately upon hitting the merge beach. To the consequences of her vote on Mike. The most interesting thing Chanelle covers is her most controversial play of the season. The decision that had the entire audience scratching their heads and wondering what she was thinking. After so many weeks since Chanelle’s most polarizing episode came out, we finally get an answer directly from her mouth.

The Choice To Risk It

Chanelle in Episode 8 of ‘Survivor’ Season 42

“Everyone’s like ‘You didn’t protect your alliance’ and I’m like… what alliance?” Chanelle said in the interview.

The event Chanelle is talking about is the “Risk your vote, protect your vote” twist that comes into play multiple times this season. Chanelle risks her vote knowing she has an important tribal council that night and comes up short. The end result is that Jenny Kim went home after a discussion between only two people, Daniel and Hai. Jenny was a very popular player for her brief time in the game, and in the fans’ grief at her early departure, they targeted Chanelle with part of their rage.

Chanelle’s main point in the exit interview is that Hai and Lydia were her allies equally as much as Mike and Jenny. With that logic, it’s actually not a horrible move for Chanelle to have lost her vote at a tribal where she otherwise would have been forced to pick a side. Not voting meant she had an excuse for whichever alliance lost a member. It didn’t quite end up going her way, seeing as Daniel immediately threw her name under the bus. Really, in the end, it was Daniel’s constant campaigning against Chanelle in an attempt to save himself along with Chanelle’s stray safety vote for Mike that led to her being the first member of the jury.

Chanelle, Survivor, And The Jury

The Survivor 42 jury now has its first member and will only continue to gain more in the coming weeks. The teaser for next week’s episode shows that there will be a double elimination next week. With only 10 players remaining, that means there will be nearly no place to hide for the vulnerable players at next week’s tribal. It’s going to be chaotic, without a doubt.

New episodes of Survivor Season 42 are airing every Wednesday.

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