
Susan Noles & Kathy Swarts Share Where They Stand With Gerry

Susan Noles was sent home by Golden Bachelor lead, Gerry Turner in Episode 5, and Kathy Swarts, the season’s villain went home the week before, so are they over that rejection now? At the moment, the two women are getting quite a lot of TV time and they have become best friends.

Susan Noles Is Going Places With ABC

When Theresa Nist and Gerry Turner tied the knot, ABC fans seemed a bit shocked because Susan officiated the wedding. Well, they shouldn’t have been because she owns a business called Nuptials by Noles. Gerry Turner claimed that he and Theresa wanted her to officiate the wedding but they had to keep it a secret for a long time.

Susan Noles – Golden Bachelor Wedding – Bachelor Nation -YouTube

Susan Noles and Kathy Swarts became good friends, and they both became friends with Theresa. That is despite Kathy being sent home after telling the bride-to-be to “zip it.” Both of them made their mark at the Golden Bachelor Wedding, and both of them landed their new podcast, Bachelor Happy Hour: Golden Hour. Certainly, it seems that these two ladies are going places with their ABC experience.

Kathy Swarts & Her Friend Reveal If They Got Over Gerry Turner

A few days ago, the duo talked to Billy Bush on Extratv on YouTube. He congratulated the Golden Bachelor alums on the new podcast, and he mentioned the likeness between them, Kris Jenner, and Caitlyn Jenner. During that segment, Kathy spoke the most, saying that she thinks Caitlyn is a “beautiful woman.”

Kathy Swarts at the Golden Bachelor Wedding ABC – YouTube

When Billy asked if they were over their split from Gerry Turner, Susan Noles had more to say than Kathy. Thumping her fist on her heart, she told Billy:

Of course we have. We’re in the friend zone. We’re buddies.

Meanwhile, Kathy Swarts quipped, “I’m in the ‘leave him in the cornfields.”

Everyone laughed at the witty comment. Of course, those who tuned in and watched the Golden Bachelor Wedding on ABC know that Kathy can be witty as she spilled endless jokes with the Gold Carpet mic in her hand.

The rejection by Gerry was described by Billy as Susan Noles and Kathy Swarts being “the real winners of the Golden Bachelor,” because they got “a podcast out of this and [they] don’t have to keep Gerry.”

While Susan and Kathy seem to be milking the fame cow for now, so is Gerry Turner. Recently, he signed up with a huge talent agency that has hundreds of agents and staff. As for Theresa, some skeptics wonder how happy she is. After all, she still lives in New Jersey, and there’s no sign that Gerry plans to move in with her any time soon.

What are your thoughts about Susan Noles and Kathy Swarts claiming they got over Gerry Turner not giving them rings? Shout out in the comments below, and come back here for all your Golden Bachelor news. 

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