
Tammy Slaton: New Boyfriend, Slender Frame, & Same Attitude?

1000-Lb Sisters star, Tammy Slaton has been staying in an in-patient rehab facility since late last year. During the last season of the hit TLC show, Tammy finally made the decision to take her weight and her health more seriously. She agreed to intensive out-of-state treatment in Ohio and has been there ever since. While it hasn’t always been consistent, Tammy’s fans have been able to get updates on her life and her health via her social media profiles. As of lately, Tammy has undergone some pretty big changes. Now, fans want to know if her attitude has undergone big changes as well.

A Slimmer, More Slender Tammy Slaton?

Over the course of three seasons, 1000-Lb Sisters has documented Tammy Slaton’s weight loss journey – or lack thereof. Topping out at nearly 650 pounds, the reality star’s future was looking bleak. After watching several of her family members achieve their goals and find success with bariatric surgery, Tammy finally ran out of excuses and allowed herself to receive treatment.

During her time in the facility, numerous sources have reported that Tammy is working hard and exceeding her doctor’s expectations. Earlier this month, The Sun reported that the TLC star would be completing rehab two months ahead of schedule.

To date, it is projected that Tammy Slaton has potentially lost nearly 200 pounds. According to her family, Tammy had lost at least 115 pounds within a few short weeks of arrival. Now, the reality personality has finally been approved for the bariatric procedure she needs to change her life. Judging against the markers that Tammy’s relatives were given for their surgeries – that would mean that Tammy has managed to weigh in at below 400 in order to get approved for the procedure.

Tammy Slaton’s Love Life Is Anything But Slim

From the very start of 1000-Lb Sisters, Tammy Slaton’s love life has always been a hot-button topic with show fans. Tammy is rarely single and has numerous hot and heavy relationships with various men throughout the course of the show.

In the past, Tammy’s fans worried that her love interests might be helping her dig her own grave. Tammy’s dating history is filled with enablers, fetishists, and fame-seekers. And unfortunately, despite having her prime choice of losers, her love life hasn’t panned out as planned.

Many were hoping, that being in an inpatient treatment program would take away Tammy’s temptation to seek out a new ‘relationship.’ That does not seem to be the case.

In the past, Tammy’s boyfriends have had a huge part in Tammy’s weight loss failures. Some of them encouraged her to eat more for their own interests, and some were clearly only after their 15-minutes of fame. Now, Tammy has a new beau, and fans wonder if this relationship will be more of the same.

Photo Credit: Instagram

While not too many details have leaked out about Tammy Slaton’s relationship with Michael Mooney, fans have seen the two flirt and confirm their relationship online via messages, comments, and relationship status changes. Earlier this month, Mooney even changed his cover photo on Facebook to a beaming photo of Tammy.

Now, there seems to be a divide amongst Tammy’s followers. Those who support her newest love interest, and those who think her efforts are best spent elsewhere.

Tammy Gets Sassy With Online Trolls

Since 1000-Lb Sisters first aired on TLC, there have always been trolls with nasty things to say about Tammy Slaton. Whether they were poking fun at her weight, her relationships, or her out-of-sync TikTok videos, they always find a way to be negative.

As usual, the trolls are at it again. This time they are after Tammy about her relationship with Michael.

Photo Credit: Instagram

According to a post on THG, Tammy received a message recently from someone who didn’t feel that her relationship with Michael was well-timed. In an alleged Facebook message from an un-named user, Tammy received a message that said, “Maybe you should concentrate on losing weight instead of dating.”

While Tammy Slaton is known for her sassy mouth, she usually keeps it low-key on social media. In fact, it’s very rare that Tammy engages with them at all. This time, however, Tammy wasn’t feeling quite so passive when the abuse made its way into her inbox.

“Maybe stay in your lane worry about your own freaking self and not worry about what the f**k I do,” she responded tartly before blocking the person from messaging her again.

As of right now, TLC fans are waiting on pins and needles for the air date of 1000-Lb. Sisters Season 4 is to be announced. It has already been theorized that Tammy’s upcoming weight loss surgery and her relationship with Michael Mooney will likely be prime plot points for new episodes as Amy Halterman will likely be filming less after the birth of her second child in the near future.

What do you think TLC will focus on in Season 4? Tell us in the comments

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