
‘Wheel of Fortune’ Fans Mock Puzzle That Left Pat Sajak Looking Embarrassed

Even host Pat Sajak couldn’t hide his embarrassment on Monday’s (April 3) Wheel of Fortune, which saw the contestants answering a puzzle about flip phones.

Under the “Fun & Games” category, the three players were faced with the puzzle “FLIPPING OPEN MY NEW FLIP PHONE,” which UCLA student Audrey answered correctly.

“I bet you don’t have a flip phone,” Sajak asked Audrey, seemingly mocking the puzzle. “No, I don’t,” Audrey replied before Sajak responded, “I knew that.”

What made the outdated clue even funnier was that it happened during the show’s College Week, which sees college students from across the U.S. competing for big money and luxury prizes.

Wheel of Fortune

“I haven’t had a flip phone since 1954,” tweeted one fan during the episode, while another added, “Not a flip phone. I was a little confused at first.”

Another commenter wrote, “I love wheel of fortune’s themed weeks because it really shows just who’s writing those puzzles. Like the college championship TODAY had a puzzle ‘flipping open my new flip phone’ like ok elderlies.”

Others were more bothered by the puzzle been under the “Fun & Games” category, which they claimed made no sense.

“Who categorizes these puzzles?! A good 50% of the time, these categories don’t match the actual puzzle,” one viewer stated. “”Flippping open my new flip phone” was not Fun & Games. Clearly, it falls into the What Are You Doing category. What part of opening a phone is fun?”

While flip phones are definitely outdated, it should be noted there are a number of folding smartphones on the market, including from top brands like Samsung and Nokia. Although, it’s unlikely the Wheel writers had those in mind when writing this particular puzzle.

Perhaps Audrey will end up buying herself one of these new flip phones, as she wound up taking home $23,000 after advancing to the bonus round with the highest score. Sadly, she missed out on bagging an extra $50,000, but she did win a trip to Cancun.

Wheel of Fortune, Weekdays, check local listings

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