
Why Whitney Way Thore’s Friends Ignore Her Disgusting Antics

Although My Big Fat Fabulous Life fans’ “love” or even “like” for Whitney Way Thore seems to be fading, somehow she is keeping friends. Notably, along Whit’s journey of weight loss ups and downs, she has managed to keep an entourage of people around her. But during that time, she has also shared some fairly disgusting antics that seemingly those friends just ignore. Why is that?

Whitney Way Thore Has Some Gross Habits

While a lot of the dislike for Whitney Way Thore stems from the way she talks to people in her life, some of it can be attributed to her gross habits. On Reddit, one of My Big Fat Fabulous Life fans brings up a good point about Whitney and her friends. First, opening the conversation with, “Pee fetish?” Then adding, “Here’s my dumb question on my watchfest: Are her ‘friends’ getting hazard pay for dealing with WWT constantly peeing in water around them, or do they all secretly have this urine fetish? Not one person seemed disgusted with her stench during her bus tour and not one seemed disgusted when she peed in the lake or the pool or the hot tub.”

Why Do Whitney Way Thore’s Friends Ignore Her Disgusting Antics

As the discussion continued with MBFFL fans, they gave some insight on why they believe Whitney Way Thore’s friends ignore her disgusting antics. Undeniably, everyone wants people surrounding them that stick with them through thick and thin. But are Whit’s friends’ motives completely pure?

Whitney Way Thore with some of her friends after MBFFL Season 8 | Instagram

Does Whitney Way Thore Smell?

Unfortunately, it isn’t uncommon for overweight individuals to sometimes smell. While this is an awkward discussion, sweat is a natural way for the body to release toxins and sadly, when someone has more body mass, it tends to be a stronger issue. Notably, this is an area that Whitney Way Thore’s friends don’t seem to react to on camera. Possibly, she doesn’t have that issue or they are very accepting of her either way. Other MBFFL viewers respond to the initial post inferring Whitney’s friends might be “nose blind” to her odor.

Pee fetish?
byu/RxR8D_ inMyBigFatFabulousLife

Maybe Not Friends Forever

Seemingly, some of the MBFFL star’s friends stand by her. However, not everyone sticks around for Whitney Way Thore’s antics. Notably, Will Powell kicked Whitney out of his gym. But his daughter, Jessica Powell stuck things out with Whit. However, suspicions have arisen that this isn’t the case anymore. Additionally, Ashley Baynes went her separate ways after a long friendship with Whit. And now, Heather Sykes reportedly unfollowed Whitney.

‘MBFFL’ Jessica Powell Dumps Whitney Way Thore And No BS Active?

What do you think Whitney Way Thore’s friends’ reason is for ignoring her disgusting antics? Do you think they just love and accept her with all her flaws? Are they only in it for the money? Are you ready to see more episodes of My Big Fat Fabulous Life? Drop your comments below.

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