‘1000-Lb. Sisters’: Dr. Smith FURIOUS, Ready To Drop Tammy Slaton?

TV Shows

On tonight’s episode of 1000-Lb. Sisters, Tammy Slaton and Chris Combs have an appointment with Dr. Smith. How is Chris doing as he adjusts to life after weight loss surgery? And, has Tammy managed to lose any weight? The appointments don’t go super favorable for either Chris or Tammy. In fact, the appointments leave Dr. Smith frustrated and at his wit’s end with Tammy Slaton. Is he going to drop her?

Warning: Spoilers from tonight’s episode ahead. 

Tammy Slaton ignores plans, goals, and abandons diet

Placing the blame on the stress surrounding breaking up with Phillip, Tammy Slaton admits she’s abandoned her diet plan. She fesses up to not doing anything Dr. Smith has asked of her. Se even reveals she never touched or wrote anything in her food journal. Talking to her brother at home before they left for the appointments, Tammy laughed off the food journal as a bit of a joke.

Last episode, Tammy Slaton managed to maintain her weight without losing or gaining any pounds. Dr. Smith noted he was going to consider that a bit of a win because she hadn’t lost anything. During this appointment, however, Tammy Slaton learns she’s actually gained 10 pounds instead of losing 25 like she was supposed to.

Viewers can see frustration wash over the face of Dr. Smith. He admits he wants to help Tammy. But, how can he help someone who will not help themself? Tammy’s family members have also noted she just doesn’t have an interest in losing weight and she has to want it for it to happen.

1000-Lb. Sisters: Will Dr. Smith drop her?

Tammy Slaton is no stranger to a doctor becoming so frustrated that they drop her as a patient. During the drive to this appointment, she admitted to Chris she was scared Dr. Smith would drop her. As we exclusively reported, one of our sources told us Tammy Slaton also got kicked out of the food addiction rehab she was staying at. Is Dr. Smith gearing up to drop her as a patient?

Dr. Eric Smith 1000 Lb Sisters TLC Screenshot
Photo Credit: TLC

The doctor realizes there is no point in continuing to work with Tammy if she isn’t interested in losing weight. This becomes clear when he learns she didn’t even try to do the food diary because she “couldn’t remember.” While he doesn’t outright drop her, he does make it clear it is a waste of gas for her to come see him until she starts doing what he’s asked of her. So, he more or less tells her there’s no reason to come back until she’s ready to make some changes in her life.

Do you think Dr. Smith will drop Tammy Slaton? Let us know in the comments.

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