Baylen Dupree Struggles, Almost Harms Herself Due To Tics

TV Shows

Baylen Dupree had a rough and stressful day. Unfortunately, this led to a bad reaction to her tics. She struggles with Tourette’s syndrome. However, she almost hurt herself in the process. Fans feel awful for Baylen and her family as this is something difficult to deal with. Keep reading to find out more about this.

Baylen Dupree Struggles With Tourette’s Syndrome

Baylen Dupree is best known for her following on TikTok. She struggles with Tourette’s syndrome. However, she went to TikTok to spread awareness about the condition. She did just that. Fans fell in love with her and wanted to see more. So, Baylen ended up scoring a TLC show called Baylen Out Loud. The show lets viewers get a deeper look at Baylen’s life with Tourette’s and her daily struggles. It has brought a lot of awareness to the condition and Baylen’s life. Baylen Out Loud has been a hit and fans cannot wait to keep watching.

Baylen Dupree Instagram

She Struggles, Almost Harms Herself Due To Tics

Baylen Dupree was at a convention of sorts. However, while she was there, she got stressed out. She was busy meeting fans, taking pictures, and interacting with others. This is not something she does on a day-to-day basis. While someone without the condition may just be anxious, her anxiety leads to tics. Sadly, her tics after the day was over were bad. She tried smashing her head on the ground. This was not something she could control. However, her mother was there to help her not hurt herself. Viewers will get to see her mom open up about the situation. Some did not realize how serious her condition could get. However, she was on the verge of smashing her head into the ground without wanting to. Viewers can see all of this unfold on the next episode of Baylen Out Loud where she will go into detail about the situation.

It seems that Baylen’s hard day led her tics to try to get her to smash her head. Thankfully she was not alone and her mother could help her not hurt herself. However, this made fans realize how serious her condition is. She could hurt herself without even wanting to and this is a sad fact of her life. This is why her parents are worried about her moving out. What do you think about Baylen’s episode? Were you shocked? Sound off in the comments below.

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