’90 Day Fiance’ recap: Adnan clashes with Niles and Vanja, Veah and Sunny reveal brief split, Magda shares relationship


90 Day Fiance: Before the 90 Days’ Tell All Part 2 featured Veah revealing she and Sunny had briefly split, Adnan clashing with Niles and Vanja, and Magda sharing an update on her relationship with Joe during the Season 7 episode that aired Sunday night on TLC.

90 Day Fiance: Before the 90 Days’ seventh season stars eight couples.


The eight couples include Tigerlily, a 41-year-old from Texas, and Adnan, a 23-year-old from Jordan; Loren, a 33-year-old from Nevada, and Faith, a 31-year-old from the Philippines; Niles, a 28-year-old from Alabama, and Matilda, a 23-year-old from Ghana; and Rayne, a 38-year-old from New Mexico, and Chidi, a 34-year-old from Nigeria.

The rest of the Season 7 couples are Joe, a 34-year-old from Florida, and Magda, a 23-year-old from Poland; Brian, a 52-year-old from Illinois, and Ingrid, a 33-year-old from Brazil; Veah, a 27-year-old from Florida, and Sunny, a 26-year-old from South Africa; and Vanja, a 41-year-old from Florida, and Bozo, a 38-year-old from Croatia.

Rayne and Chidi broke up during filming, and so did Loren and Faith as well as Brian and Ingrid.

The seventh season of 90 Day Fiance: Before the 90 Days followed Americans who had begun online romantic relationships with foreign partners as they traveled overseas hoping to get engaged to someone they had never met in person before and then begin the K-1 Visa immigration process.

Along the way, the couples encountered challenges such as large age gaps, language barriers, cultural issues, and questionable pasts.

The Tell All was hosted by Shaun Robinson, and Chidi and Rayne chose not to appear on the special at all.

Veah, Bozo, Magda and Matilda all participated in the Tell All via Zoom.

Below is what happened on 90 Day Fiance: Before the 90 Days’ Tell-All Part 2 for Season 7 on TLC.


After Adnan had called Niles a “sugar daddy” for Matilda, Niles was losing his cool and snapped, “I will break your face!”

Niles revealed how his parents wished they had attended his wedding.


Mr. Arc then joined the Tell-All via Zoom, and Mr. Arc said Niles broke his promise because Niles had claimed it would only take five months to move Matilda to the United States.

However, Niles didn’t have enough money to complete the visa process for Matilda. He still needed $4,000, but Niles insisted he was working for the mental health department in Alabama, which definitely paid the bills.

Niles had also paid back Mr. Arc for the bride price and wedding ceremony in Ghana.

Matilda admitted she’d love for Niles to visit her in Ghana, even if it meant spending a little of Niles’ savings and postponing her visa, because she loved and missed her husband.

Adnan interrupted Matilda and asked Adnan if he supported his relationship with Tigerlily and respected his family. Niles attempted to ignore Adnan until Adnan kept pushing him for answers.

“Get him out of my sight! Get him out of my earshot,” Niles said.

Niles then stood up and stormed off the set, and Mr. Arc pointed out how he didn’t like Niles’ behavior.

Adnan announced how he didn’t like anyone in the cast but was trying to respect and like everyone.

“I’m human… He pulled that stunt because he thought he could get away with it,” Niles complained backstage.

“That’s a true coward. He knew my father was sitting there, and that my wife was sitting there. When someone comes after your family like that?!”


Niles then rejoined the cast and apologized to Matilda, Mr. Arc, and his 90 Day Fiance co-stars for having walked away from and disrespected them.

Matilda then started crying because of how Adnan had spoken to her husband.

“If I explode on him, I’m going to be wrong, right?” Adnan asked.

After the cast agreed that would the case, Niles announced how he was going to be quiet. Niles admitted he had some growing up to do and needed to calm down.

Shaun then changed the subject to children, and Niles shared how he’d love to have two children with Matilda — hopefully a son and a daughter.

Tigerlily subsequently told the cameras that Niles was, in fact, Matilda’s sugar daddy and she didn’t think anything was wrong with that. Tigerlily didn’t think Niles’ salary was going to be enough for Matilda.

“Niles is a little bit kind of like a dog, like a Chihuahua. They want to have this big personality and then they think they’re a Rottweiler, okay? That’s Niles,” Tigerlily joked.

Niles later scolded Adnan for treating him that way in front of his father and threatened to hurt him.


Magda revealed her relationship with Joe was stronger than ever and they were in a good position. Joe also said he felt very lucky to be with Magda and their romance was doing well.

Magda had already traveled to the U.S. to meet Joe’s family, and she said the visit was great and she loved Joe’s family and friends. Joe said everyone really liked Magda but they found her to be a little intimidating.

Joe had taken Magda to nice dinners, the beach, and they played volleyball during her stay.

“I want to live with Joe. He doesn’t want to move to Poland. I like it there. It will not be easy [though],” Magda shared.

When asked if they were finally engaged, Magda laughed and replied, “No.”

Joey explained that he didn’t propose while Magda was in his hometown because he didn’t want her to expect his marriage proposal.

“She kept asking and it made it feel like more of a business transaction. She kept asking me to do something and I didn’t like that,” Joe said. “So I’m going to wait until it’s natural and she’s not expecting it.”

Magda argued that she never pushed Joe to propose to her but she wanted to get the ball rolling on her visa, knowing they’d probably have to wait another year to be together in the same country.

Joe claimed he had no doubts about Magda but he was just waiting for the right time to pop the question.

Magda didn’t put a time limit on Joe’s marriage proposal, but she pointed out how it wouldn’t be easy to change her life “in a minute.”

Joe said Magda had asked him about once a week to propose marriage to her and also made him feel bad about waiting.

“But I can’t propose to someone for that reason… I’m not trying to waste her time or my time,” Joe said.

“If you wait too long, maybe she’s going to get tired of waiting,” Brian declared.

“I know you proposed seven times, Brian,” Joe quipped.

Vanja burst into laughter and agreed, “[Brian] has had practice!”

But Shaun noticed that Magda was wearing an engagement ring on her left hand’s ring finger.

Magda said her best friend had given her that ring and she wore it on her ring finger so that guys wouldn’t hit on her. Magda explained how the ring made her appear unavailable to strangers and that Joe was aware of it.

Niles told Magda that men never wanted to feel pressure to get engaged, but Vanja said it made sense because Magda loved Joe and simply wanted to be with him.


In a deleted scene, Joe almost missed his flight to Poland because he needed to go home for “shooters” of alcohol for the plane, which he said cost $12 at the airport. At the time, Joe claimed that he had forgotten his passport.

Vanja couldn’t believe that Joe gambled his flight to Poland for a little alcohol.

“I am flabbergasted right now. What is your priority?!” Vanja shouted.

Magda said she knew that Joe drank a lot — and all the time — but she didn’t have much to say about it.

Viewers also learned that Joe has “an open door policy” when it comes to using the bathroom. Vanja thought that was gross, and Tigerlily said that, in her mind, women don’t even “do the No. 2.”


Vanja, wearing a sparkly pink dress with a thigh-high slit and cleavage showing, told Adnan that she’d never be able to cover up her body for a man. Adnan teased her about wanting attention, but Vanja insisted that she wore sexy clothes for herself because they made her feel good.

When Tigerlily had to leave, Vanja asked Adnan to continue talking to her.

“He can’t talk to another girl,” Tigerlily interjected.

Adnan said it was wrong to even look at Vanja due to what she was wearing, but Tigerlily clarified how it wasn’t right for Adnan to talk to a woman without another guy around.

“Alright, fair! You don’t want to talk to me? I don’t want to talk to you. It’s all good!” Vanja said.

Vanja said Adnan had upset her because he made her feel like, as a woman, she doesn’t have anything important to contribute to a conversation. Vanja called the exchange “demeaning,” and she also didn’t appreciate how Adnan allegedly controlled his wife.

“He can dish it out, but he can’t take it!” Vanja complained.

Vanja felt Adnan didn’t want to listen to her because he didn’t respect her, but Tigerlily reiterated how Adnan doesn’t speak to other women alone in a room out of respect for their marriage.

“That makes no sense to me,” Vanja announced. “It’s Stockholm Syndrome.”


Veah said when she returned to America, she and Sunny kept struggling with the situation regarding his father’s disapproval and so they briefly broke up for about a month.

Sunny recalled how Veah needed space but then she ended up seeing someone else.

“In my brain, [I thought], ‘How could you do that?!'” Sunny revealed.

Veah explained how she had gone on one date with a man but nothing happened sexually.

“We went to Disney and then went our separate ways. We did not kiss,” Veah claimed.

Brian didn’t believe that Veah was telling the truth, but Veah insisted that she wasn’t lying.

Sunny admitted that he still got angry and jealous, especially when he discovered Veah had gone out with her dog sitter. Sunny said it freaked me out because Veah had said she was “just friends” with this guy.

“We were 100 percent broken up, but the thing is, since then, we’ve been together and we’ve worked through… everything and everything has been good. Our relationship is the best it could ever be,” Veah shared.

Veah therefore confirmed that she and Sunny were “back together” and had been for months already.

“Ultimately, my heart is with Sunny,” Veah gushed.

Adnan yelled at Sunny for not being controlling or manly enough in his relationship as a Muslim man, but Sunny argued that showing jealousy and freaking Veah out could possibly destroy and ruin his two-year love story.

Sunny apparently didn’t see the point in picking a fight with his fiancee just to have the power, and Veah reiterated how she and Sunny had moved past her date with another guy.

Sunny then revealed how he planned to move to Bangladesh, where he’d stay for a couple of months until his visa got approved to join Veah in the United States. The pair had submitted their visa paperwork, but Sunny said he owed about $1,000 more.

Adnan proceeded to criticize Sunny for having sex before marriage.

“I did the wrong thing,” Sunny conceded.

Adnan yelled at Sunny to call himself an atheist, but Sunny said Allah would forgive him and he did religion for himself to make himself happy.

“If it’s not following the rules, it’s not Muslim. You know that you can’t get married to her when she didn’t believe nothing. Tigerlily is Christian,” Adnan yelled.

Veah said she did, in fact, believe in Jesus, and so she shouted at Adnan, “You’re not going to tell me that I don’t f-ck-ng believe in Jesus! You better shut up!… I don’t need anyone to understand my relationship.”

Veah said it was perfectly fine that her relationship was different from Adnan’s.

Sunny then shared how he thought Veah would change her mind and convert to Islam later in life, after he’s able to teach her all about his customs, beliefs and traditions.

But Veah clarified how she had no intention of ever converting to Sunny’s religion.

When Vanja asked Sunny why his faith was more valid than Veah’s, Sunny replied, “Because I’m the man here! [But] her beliefs are also valid.”

Veah said she and Sunny both believed in God and were striving for the same thing.

Tigerlily proceeded to announce how Veah shouldn’t convert to Islam unless it’s in Veah’s heart to do so. Tigerlily said it was Veah’s decision to make, and Vanja added how it was a very personal decision to make.

Sunny had lost his deep relationship with his father over his engagement to Veah. Sunny said while he and his dad still spoke and will always be blood, they were no longer close.

Veah confessed that it was “crazy” to stand between Sunny and his father, and she concluded, “Ultimately, I would love for all of us to get along.”

Veah said if she could go back in time, she would have covered up her tattoos and behaved differently during the meeting with Sunny’s dad. She apparently longed for Sunny’s father to accept her.

“One day when I have grandchildren, my father will forgive me and accept us,” Sunny declared.

But Adnan said he felt so sorry for Sunny’s father.

“You will continue your life with cheating?” Sunny asked.

“Did you just say cheating?!… I never cheated on Sunny!” Veah shouted, before adding, “I am definitely not lying.”


Brian said he and Ingrid hadn’t spoken or seen each other since they were last together for filming.

Brian claimed Ingrid “wasn’t ready” for his life of adventure because she acted like a mother all the time.

Ingrid said it was her natural instinct to be protective, especially since she has a son.

Tigerlily asked Ingrid why she wore lingerie for Brian when she had no desire to hook up with him, and Ingrid said it felt like wearing a bikini and so it wasn’t a big deal for her.

Ingrid explained how her parents had taught her not to hook up with a man during the first week of dating him. She was also afraid of STDs since she didn’t know Brian very well at the time.

But Brian recalled how Ingrid had asked him to stop to buy condoms, which confused him.

Brian suggested that Ingrid had given him mixed signals and that once things got hot, camera guys left the room and then Ingrid revealed to him that she had a boyfriend.

Brian insisted that Ingrid would deny this, but Ingrid owned up to it to a certain extent. Ingrid recalled telling Brian that she had “met someone” but not that she had a boyfriend at the time.

Ingrid said there were a lot of things Brian didn’t tell her until the last minute, such as how he had sold drugs and been married four times.

“But didn’t she have two kids with two different baby daddies?” Brian snapped.

Ingrid chose not to respond to that dig, and Niles later called Brian “a creep” and said he didn’t like how Brian had handled things.


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About The Author:
Elizabeth Kwiatkowski

Elizabeth Kwiatkowski is Associate Editor of Reality TV World and has been covering the reality TV genre for more than a decade.

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