The Greatest Horror Films to Watch on Netflix Now

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In the event you’re in search of one thing to observe that can hang-out your desires, head over to Netflix, as a result of the streaming service’s library contains a deep slate of horror films accessible to observe proper now. From slasher classics like Candyman to ugly zombie thrillers like Practice to Busan to discovered footage frights like Creep, there are such a lot of heart-pounding horrors to select from. Why not clear your schedule, log into your Netflix account, and arrange your very personal horror film marathon?

However if you happen to aren’t positive what terrifying movie to observe, TV Information combed by Netflix’s in depth library of horror titles to seek out the best possible scary films you’ll be able to watch on the service proper now. Whether or not you are in search of B-movie fare, one thing grim and gory, a flick steeped within the supernatural, or a few of the style’s most seminal movies, we’re betting there is a streaming choice for you within the record under. And as soon as you have made it by all the next movies, do not forget to take a look at all the best horror TV shows on Netflix too!

Candyman (1992)

The primary movie on this traditional slasher franchise, Candyman is an fascinating twist on an city legend. The film tells the story of Helen Lyle (Virginia Madsen) a graduate scholar who writes her thesis on how the residents of Cabrini-Inexperienced use the lore of the Candyman (Tony Todd) — a black businessman who was stated to have been murdered by a lynch mob after fathering a baby with a white girl — to deal with their very own struggles. However the Candyman is not simply an city legend, and after being summoned early within the movie he begins a killing spree in an effort to perpetuate the general public’s perception in him, thus guaranteeing his continued existence. A slasher that speaks to urgent racial and societal points, Candyman stays each well timed and timeless to this present day. It is no marvel that Jordan Peele and Nia DaCosta are reviving the franchise with the 2020 sequel movie.

The Invitation

You’d count on going to a dinner half hosted by your ex-wife to be awkward, however you in all probability would not count on it to be this unhealthy. The Invitation stars Logan Marshall-Green as Will, a grieving divorcé who brings his new girlfriend, Kira (Emayatzy Corinealdi), to a cocktail party hosted by his ex, Eden (Tammy Blanchard). Because the night time unfolds, Will begins to suspect that Eden and her new husband, David (Michiel Huisman), have ulterior motives for reuniting this group of previous buddies. This suspenseful thriller slowly builds up rigidity earlier than delivering a completely devastating ending we’re nonetheless enthusiastic about years later.

Gerald’s Recreation

Mike Flanagan‘s intelligent tackle a Stephen King story, Gerarld’s Recreation stars Carla Gugino and Bruce Greenwood as a married couple aiming to reignite their passions throughout an remoted vacation. However when Gerald (Greenwood) suffers a deadly coronary heart assault, Jessie (Gugino) is left handcuffed to the mattress with no key and should determine a option to survive. Gugino provides a mesmerizing efficiency as Jessie should confront her darkest fears. However be warned: Whereas Gerlad’s Recreation is essentially a psychological thriller, it additionally contains one of many should distressfully gory scenes in latest cinema.

Beneath the Shadow

Even simply watching the trailer for Beneath the Shadow is sufficient to set a viewer on edge. Set in 1988 Tehran, the film follows a mom making an attempt to guard her baby each from the Iraqi bombs raining down upon the town and from an ominous unseen determine inside their very own home. Very like The Babadook, Beneath the Solar makes use of this disturbing home premise to look at problems with maternal nervousness, claustrophobia, and resentment, together with how they intersect (and infrequently conflict with) with the real-world battle enjoying out within the background. It is a taut, unnerving thriller stuffed with surprising and eerie visuals positive to please horror followers.


Co-written by and starring Mark Duplass, Creep is a intelligent addition to the found-footage style that’s so profitable it spawned a movie franchise, with a 3rd film already on the way in which. The minimalist movie follows a younger man Aaron — performed by co-writer and director Patrick Brice — who solutions an advert posted by Josef (Duplass) asking for assist filming movies for his unborn baby. However as Aaron’s work with Josef goes on, Aaron is disturbed by Josef’s more and more unsettling habits. However by the point he totally accepts Josef’s true intentions, Aaron realizes it might be too late for him to flee.

Kid’s Play (1988)

In the event you’re fearful of dolls, you in all probability have Child’s Play responsible. The movie follows a widowed mom who provides her son a doll, known as “Chucky,” for his birthday — solely it seems the doll is possessed by the spirit of a serial killer. Whereas the movie undoubtedly leans into a few of the extra darkly comedic parts that include a killer doll, it could possibly nonetheless ship real scares and it is easy to see how Chucky grew to become such a popular culture mainstay.


This techno-thriller is a real star automobile for Madeline Brewer, who performs a cam woman, Alice, who will get locked out of her account below weird and threatening circumstances. After resorting to simulating violence on digicam in alternate for recognition, Alice finds that a precise duplicate of herself has taken over her cam present. As Alice investigates the unusual prevalence, she should additionally struggle to regain the management over her life from the mysterious duplicate who stole it. A tightly-wound film, Cam faucets instantly into present fears in regards to the identification and voyeurism, however it’s Brewer’s efficiency that elevates the movie and immerses you in Alice’s concern.

Practice to Busan

This harrowing South Korean movie follows a bunch of passengers on a practice preventing to outlive throughout a zombie apocalypse. Whereas they first solely have one zombie onboard to cope with, the an infection quickly spreads all through the railway automobiles. With the cities already largely overrun by the undead, the frightened passengers don’t have any alternative however to remain on the practice and attempt to keep alive lengthy sufficient for the practice to make it to a quarantine zone. Train to Busan is an adrenaline-fueled movie that makes nice use of the claustrophobic setting and nonetheless manages to insert sensible social commentary in between the superbly orchestrated motion scenes.

It Comes at Night time

It Comes at Night is a post-apocalyptic movie that follows a household — performed by Joel Edgerton, Carmen Ejogo, and Kelvin Harrison, Jr. — who has remoted themselves within the woods in an effort to survive a extremely contagious and lethal outbreak that has ravaged the world. However after they soak up one other household of survivors — performed by Christopher Abbott, Riley Keough, and Griffin Robert Faulkner — the mutual mistrust and paranoia between the households creates simply as a lot hazard inside the house because the contagion does outdoors. Director Trey Edward Shults does a masterful job of constructing rigidity on this bleak movie about how far one will go to outlive, and what one would possibly lose within the course of.

The Ring

A contemporary traditional, The Ring has an unforgettable premise: A journalist, Rachel (Naomi Watts), investigates a cursed videotape that results in the demise of anybody who watches it seven days later. Whereas watching The Ring on Netflix is not almost as chilling as watching it on an precise VHS tape, the movie’s haunting visuals and grim shocks have a manner of burrowing below your pores and skin and taking root. Belief us, we first noticed The Ring 18 years in the past and nonetheless shudder after we take into consideration that horse scene…

The Post-mortem of Jane Doe

This supernatural horror film stars Brian Cox and Emile Hirsch as father-and-son coroners who get trapped by a storm within the morgue with the physique unidentified girl. As they transfer ahead with the post-mortem, the pair uncover spooky and inexplicable wounds, reminiscent of scarring on her inner organs or burns inside her lungs however nowhere on her pores and skin. This tightly-paced scarefest successfully makes use of the claustrophobia of the underground morgue to ramp up the stress because the duo are subjected to a sequence of menacing supernatural phenomena that can depart your coronary heart racing.


Dan Stevens stars as Thomas, a younger man who should infiltrate a 1900s non secular cult led by a charismatic prophet (Michael Sheen) in an effort to free his sister. However as soon as Thomas resides among the many cult members on their secluded island, he uncovers a dreadful secret that fully adjustments the trajectory of the movie. A provocative tackle organized faith, the patriarchy, and corruption, Apostle is a mysterious and compelling slow-build made all of the extra satisfying by Stevens’ charming efficiency.

Tucker and Dale vs. Evil

This horror-comedy takes what might have been a lazy premise — a bunch of faculty children mistake two useful hillbillies for murderers and attempt to take them down — and subverts each cliché you’d count on in a movie like this. Surprisingly heartfelt with out firming down the gore, Tucker and Dale vs. Evil is slapstick splatter finished proper. So if you cannot resolve between watching a slasher or a buddy comedy, this movie proves you do not have to decide on in any respect.

Inexperienced Room

After their gig at a backwoods membership in Oregon, a punk band witnesses a homicide within the venue’s inexperienced room and are held hostage by a bunch of neo-Nazis who run the joint. Not prepared to go down with no struggle, the band faces off with the skinheads in a blood-pumping thriller. However what actually makes Inexperienced Room a standout is the calibre of its forged, which incorporates Patrick Stewart, Anton Yelchin, Imogen Poots, and Alia Shawkat, all of whom convey a humanity to their roles even amidst the gnarly gore.


This gripping survival movie stars Kiersey Clemons as Jennifer, who turns into stranded alone on a abandoned island after a storm capsized the boat she’d been touring on. As if the weather weren’t sufficient to cope with, Jennifer should additionally face off in opposition to a horrific sea monster that stalks at night time. This sharp and suspenseful indie movie is constructed round Clemon’s commanding efficiency of a girl adapting to her new surroundings and proving she has what it takes to outlive, however lovers of creature options can even be thrilled by director J.D. Dillard’s strategy to the memorable monster that’s positive to spark dread.


Dwelling invasion horror is especially terrifying as a result of it is unsettlingly believable, and Mike Flanagan’s 2016 movie is up there with The Strangers and Funny Games in relation to exploiting the idea’s scary potential. Kate Siegel stars on this hair-raising movie as Maddie, a deaf girl who should attempt to struggle off a masked killer at her remoted house within the woods. Hush is a pointy, suspenseful story that by no means slows down and can depart you not desirous to be house alone for fairly a while.

The Evil Lifeless (1981)

From Sam Raimi and starring Bruce Campbell, The Evil Dead is a pleasant cult traditional. The low-budget supernatural horror movie follows a bunch of faculty buddies whose trip turns lethal after they by accident summon demonic spirits after studying from The Ebook of the Lifeless. Between Raimi’s artistic path, Campbell’s star-making efficiency as Ash Williams, the movie’s audacious black humor, and a few severely grisly gore, The Evil Lifeless has all the pieces you may search for in a horror movie. And if you happen to do not belief us, take heed to Stephen King, who has stated it is one among his favorites within the style.

The Witch

Anya Taylor-Joy stars on this unsettling movie a few 1630s New England household that unravels as they encounter black magic, witchcraft, and evil spirits. This visually-striking story meticulously builds suspense because the relations’ fears of each other develop and their non secular religion is examined or in some circumstances, damaged fully. The Witch is a artistic and charming story that can depart your soul shaking.


Martin Freeman stars on this zombie thriller as Andy, a father who’s preventing to do no matter it takes to save lots of his toddler kid’s life in rural Australia. However after Andy will get contaminated by his spouse (Susie Porter), he solely has 48 hours to discover a new house for his daughter earlier than he turns right into a zombie. Cargo is way more of a character-driven zombie movie than one intent on delivering gut-churning gore or sensational shocks, however it’s a harrowing journey that injects the style with an atypical quantity of coronary heart.

The Countless

Directed, produced by, and starring Justin Benson and Aaron Moorhead, The Countless follows two brothers who return to the UFO demise cult they’d escaped years prior within the hope of discovering closure. As their keep on the camp goes on, the brothers bear witness to weird phenomena that may’t be defined, thus threatening their sense of actuality and their bond. This low-budget Lovecraftian horror movie is an ingenious take a look at the harmful cycles one can get trapped in, and possibly by no means escape from, in life. And even because the brothers’ ideas of time and area are pushed past the established boundaries, the movie stays firmly grounded by the interpersonal drama and relationships at its core.

The Wicker Man (1973)

In the event you’ve solely seen the 2006 Nic Cage remake, instantly add this British traditional to the highest of your Netflix queue. The movie follows a policeman, Sergeant Howie (Edward Woodward), as he goes to a distant Scottish island to research a lacking baby. There, Howie’s puritan beliefs come up in opposition to the locals’ pagan practices, which lead him to suspect that the neighborhood is concerned in a disturbing conspiracy that he is solely scratched the floor of. The Wicker Man is not an edge-of-your-seat thriller, however slightly a (pretty bizarre) slow-build that culminates in a superbly devastating ending.


Possession horror is nothing new, however Veronica is likely one of the greatest latest additions to the style. The Spanish movie follows a teenage woman, Veronica (Sandra Escancena), who begins being subjected to paranormal experiences after having a seance with a bunch of buddies throughout a photo voltaic eclipse. Because the occurrences improve in violence and depth, a determined Veronica makes an attempt to discover a option to minimize her ties with no matter demonic presence has connected itself to her. The film is stuffed with visceral scares and memorable imagery that is arduous to shake even after the credit roll.


Primarily based on the Stephen King novella of the identical title, 1922 stars Thomas Jane as a person, Wilf, whose life falls aside after murdering his spouse (Molly Parker). After the crime is dedicated, Wilf is satisfied he is being terrorized by rats and haunted by the ghost of his spouse, who refuses to let him neglect what he did. 1922 is not the kind of horror movie to be constructed round shocks or splatter, however slightly its horror is within the gradual decay of Wilf’s psychological state, as his personal guilt threatens to destroy him earlier than the legislation catches up.

The Blackcoat’s Daughter

Emma Roberts, Kiernan Shipka, and Lucy Boynton star on this moody thriller about two women who’re left alone at their Catholic highschool over winter break and start to expertise unexplained phenomena. Advised throughout three timelines, every centered on one of many main actresses, The Blackcoat’s Daughter builds in dread as the reality of what is behind the menacing occurrences is slowly uncovered.

Shutter (2004)

Shutter follows a photographer, Tun (Ananda Everingham), and his girlfriend, Jane (Natthaweeranuch Thongmee), who kill a younger girl in a hit-and-run. After the deadly accident, Tun is haunted by the sufferer’s menacing spirit, whose significantly vengeful motivations towards him are defined in well-orchestrated, emotionally resonant reveals. The movie was a large hit in Thailand when it premiered, resulting in the hardly watchable 2008 American remake. But when the Joshua Jackson movie turned you off Shutter‘s premise fully, you would be doing your self a disservice lacking out on this genuinely scary, twist-filled movie.

Beneath the Pores and skin

This sci-fi horror movie might need been a field workplace flop when it was launched in 2014, however was known as by many critics top-of-the-line movies of that yr. That is largely as a consequence of Scarlett Johansson‘s haunting efficiency because the unnamed girl on the heart of the story. Under the Skin follows Johansson’s mysterious character as she lures males to their deaths and explores what it actually means to be human. It is admittedly a weird movie, however it’s hypnotically so, and Johansson’s main efficiency, Mica Levi’s spine-chilling rating, and Jonathan Grazer’s modern path mix to make a splendidly disquieting cinematic expertise.

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