Month: July 2023

Nicholas Alexander Chavez will be checking out of General Hospital — but only temporarily — as he films a starring role in Monsters: The Menendez Brothers, the second season of Netflix’s Monster series. According to TVLine, Chavez will take a temporary leave of absence from GH to shoot Monsters, though it’s unclear when the latter
So why exactly did Kody Brown choose Las Vegas after he and his family fled Utah? It’s a question that Sister Wives fans have mulled over for years. Since the Browns come from a fundamentalist LDS sect, a place nicknamed “Sin City” seemed like an odd choice. Recently, Redditors decided to debate this issue and
The Salem PD is often incompetent, but this is ridiculous. Whitley pulled off the most obvious phony death scheme on Days of Our Lives during the week of 6-26-23. Rafe has proven himself to be a horrible cop lately, but what’s wrong with Eli? The ordinarily sharp FBI agent decided Whitley couldn’t be involved because
Pond5/NGC Sharkfest SUNDAY: Just when you thought it was safe to… who are we kidding, summer wouldn’t be complete without TV’s deep dives into cutting-edge shark documentaries. (Discovery’s Shark Week waits until July 23 to emerge.) Promising 22 hours of original programming and 50-plus hours of enhanced content over many of Disney’s streaming and cable