Matt’s Rating: In Nazi concentration camps, tattoos were etched on prisoners’ arms in an attempt to erase their humanity, turning them into numbers. The Tattooist of Auschwitz, a wrenching but ultimately uplifting six-part series adapted from the non-fiction novel by Heather Morris, corrects this atrocity by repeatedly presenting a stark gallery of somber faces, among
Showrunners are the creative visionaries of a series. They might not be the original creators, but they cover all aspects of the creative elements, evolve the show’s vision, and decide where the story and character arcs will go. They run the writing rooms, head the development, hire writers, and ensure actors are kept happy and
Press Release “Leo” – (9:00-10:00 p.m. ET) (TV-PG, DLV) (HDTV) Jake (Daniel Gillies) and Tess (Dolly Lewis) investigate the shooting of a trucker when the Vice Squad shows up, demanding they cut their main suspect loose before they compromise one of Vice’s investigations. When the same suspect is found dead in the interrogation room, both
Bensler fans all remember that Law & Order: SVU promo for Season 24 Episode 12 where Olivia Benson (Mariska Hargitay) and Elliot Stabler (Christopher Meloni) are holding each other’s faces and look like they’re just about to kiss. When the episode aired, this emotional Benson and Stabler scene never happened. After much fanfare, Hargitay reveals
Here’s your preview of anime coming to Netflix in June 2024! In case you missed it, May is another exciting month of new anime content on Netflix. We’ll also have a June preview of what’s coming to Netflix soon. New Anime Series on Netflix in June 2024 Rising Impact (Part 1) N Episodes: TBAGenre: Drama,