Meri Brown Says Kody Drove Her To Having An Online Affair

TV Shows

Meri Brown’s catfishing incident has come up several times throughout the seasons. Was it the reason that her marriage to Kody fell apart? He stated that it really was the nail in the coffin for them. Kody noted that they had been having troubles in their marriage prior to that even happening. However, that whole incident never helped. Now, in the latest episode of Sister Wives, Meri opens up about her online affair. Did Kody lead her to be unfaithful? Read on for more details.

Was Kody Responsible For Meri Brown’s Online Affair?

Meri alleges that Kody gave up on her. This happens while she is talking about Christine leaving the family with Robyn. She says she can relate to the feeling of being given up on because it happened to her. However, Kody denies this. He just feels that their marriage was unstable and non-functioning. Furthermore, he added that they can get along but they cannot be together. It takes Meri back to when she got involved with, what she calls an “online personality.”

Kody Brown/YouTube

She shares in her confessional she went that route because she was not getting what she needed from Kody. He had grown distant and it was very difficult and dark. Yet, this persona was offering her exactly what she wasn’t getting. That was when Meri asked Kody to leave her home so things could get worked out. She wanted to take a break and find a way to sort through their stuff. Unfortunately, it appears that the break was permanent.

Why Does She Stay?

Meri Brown admitted that people have asked her why she stays. In fact, she talked this over with Robyn. Admittedly, she prays about it a lot. In the end, this is where she needs to be, and feels she belongs. With everything crumbling around them, Robyn pleaded with her just to hold on. She is so desperate to keep whatever is left of the family together. Yet, she did note that if Meri wanted to walk away, she would completely understand. Fans on Twitter were less than thrilled that the two sister wives were gossiping over Christine and her situation.

Meri Brown/YouTube

Ultimately, Meri has her own life away from the family in Flagstaff. She manages her B&B in Parowan, Utah, and is quite successful on the LuLaRoe scene. The mother of one travels a lot and was recently in Mexico. Now, she is off on a ten-day road trip so she is never home enough for her marriage to affect her. Should she walk away? That is her choice. If she is happy where she is, let her be. This is her life and her choices though Kody has said he cannot imagine it is fulfilling.

Do you think Kody drove Meri Brown to her online affair or is that an excuse? Let us know and watch Sister Wives Sundays on TLC.

Amanda Nowitz
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