Grey’s Anatomy Round Table: The Blue/Lucas Bromance, Levi’s Growth & Towen’s Amends


It was such a fun hour.

Teddy and Owen finally made amends, Maggie seems lost, and Richard learned the truth about Catherine’s prognosis on Grey’s Anatomy Season 19 Episode 10. Meanwhile, the interns continue to shine.

Grey’s Fanatics Meaghan Frey, Joshua Johnson, and Jasmine Blu discuss the hour.

Teddy and Owen finally apologized to each other and made up. Thoughts?

Meaghan: Thank god! It’s about time we move past the drama between those two.

Bickering Wife  - Grey's Anatomy Season 19 Episode 9

I actually loved the apology scene between the two of them; I never thought I’d be saying I love a Teddy and Owen scene again. The moment felt genuine, and I could feel their years of love and friendship.

Unfortunately, I’m not holding my breath that it will last. Writers, please let Teddy and Owen be happy for five minutes so we viewers can get a break.

Joshua: I was surprised to find myself enjoying a Teddy and Owen scene again too, Meaghan! It was nice to see them connecting for once instead of actively fighting against each other.

Jasmine: I’m just glad this whole thing with them is over, and we can move past all the stupid bickering. I’m still not entirely sure they should still be together, but I’m willing to take the abrupt turnaround.

How devastating was Natalia’s death? Did you appreciate it as a learning moment for Jules? Should they ease up on the deaths this season?

Meaghan: Natalia’s death was brutal. Watching him sit by her side, enjoying every last moment they could together, was a punch to the gut. I would’ve loved to see her and her husband get a happy ending, but Grey’s is really trying to kill the audience this season with all of these deaths.

I’m adding giving us a chance to breathe before we get another devastating patient death to my list of requests for the writers. This was the kind of case that helps mold the residents into the doctors they will become, so I loved getting to see Jules learn from it.

Joshua: I hate admitting this, but I didn’t get as emotional about Natalia’s death as others.

Even though their story was touching during Grey’s Anatomy Season 19 Episode 9, I wasn’t left with a distinct sense of hope that Natalia would live for much longer.

Natalia -tall - Grey's Anatomy Season 19 Episode 10

If Natalia and her husband had had a three-episode arc, where we got to know them a bit more and perhaps build some hope that Natalia might live, I might have felt the devastation of her death. I think that would also keep the pace of the season from feeling like it’s one devastating death after the other.

All of that said, the story has shown us that Jules is a remarkable doctor, especially in terms of patient care. Her scene with Elliot, when he asked her how long Natalia might have had to live, was beautiful and wonderfully acted by Adelaide Kane.

Jasmine: Natalia’s death was brutal. I still haven’t recovered from the last death. I need them to ease up on killing off patients; it’s getting to be too much.

I loved what this case represented for Jules and how she navigated it. She’s going to be a phenomenal doctor. She’s always invested and exudes empathy and compassion, and I love these little moments when we see the interns’ styles start to develop.

Losing His Wife -tall - Grey's Anatomy Season 19 Episode 10

How do you feel about Maggie staying with Amelia longer and the reminder of their sisterly bond even without Mer? With news of Kelly McCreary’s departure, what do you think they’ll do with Maggie?

Meaghan: I was disappointed in Maggie for doubting her relationship with Amelia now that Mer is gone. Yes, Mer brought them together, but they’ve developed such a bond over the years, separate from their relationship with Mer.

I’m sure Maggie is questioning everything right now, though, with how rocky things are between her and Winston. It’s only natural that she could wonder if the other bonds she thought were unbreakable are just as fragile as theirs.

The optimist in me hopes that while writing Maggie off, they will fix Winston and her. Maybe Winston decides to go back to Boston, and Maggie decides to follow him to show him she is willing to sacrifice for him too.

It’s been mentioned in previous roundtables that they are setting up Maggie to be like Ellis. Perhaps instead, they are trying to show that despite their glaring similarities, Maggie can learn from her mother’s mistakes.

Talking to Ellis -tall  - Grey's Anatomy Season 18 Episode 12

Joshua: I was surprised that Maggie doubted her relationship with Amelia as well. Maggie always struck me as the one who considered all three of them sisters regardless of whether or not they were actually related, so that moment felt out of character.

The more I thought about it, I remembered that Maggie moved to Seattle because of Ellis and Meredith; perhaps Maggie is feeling a sense of abandonment between Mer leaving and Winston choosing a different specialty.

As someone who supposed Maggie might become like Ellis, I agree with Meaghan that rather than becoming like Ellis, Maggie will learn from her.

Jasmine: I also thought it was weird and out of character for Maggie to suddenly doubt her sisterhood with Amelia now that Mer is gone. For as long as they’ve both been there, they’ve been more like sisters to each other than either of them with Meredith. They were always the closest to each other, so it was out of the blue to me.

Reading the Letter -tall - Grey's Anatomy Season 18 Episode 12

I’m happy for Kelly McCreary and she’s moving on to other things. She’s had a great run on the series.

I’m disappointed with how things are going for the character, though, especially now that we know she’ll be exiting the series. I wish she was getting written better and has the potential for a better sendoff.

How much did you enjoy Blue and Lucas’ antics with Catherine’s penis case?

Meaghan: Can we please get a Blue and Lucas friendship?

Blue Faints - tall - Grey's Anatomy Season 19 Episode 10

Something Grey’s has always lacked is strong male friendships. We’ve had them sprinkled in here and there, but they’ve never been as deep as the show’s female friendships or even male/female friendships.

The two of them are hilarious together. Their competitiveness with each other reminds me a bit of Mer and Cristina, which gives me hope that a real friendship can bloom from it. It also would provide Blue something to do other than be Jules’ potential love interest.

Joshua: Watching Blue and Lucas interact made me think of Alex and George’s relationship’s toxicity and that it would be nice to see them be friends. I audibly cackled when Lucas dragged Blue out of the OR by his feet. It felt like a classic, fun case.

Jasmine: I loved every single second of them. One of my favorite things in these recent episodes is seeing the chemistry among the intern crew develop. And they’re getting to play with these different dynamics. I find them hilarious together. I couldn’t stop laughing at Lucas dragging Blue out of the OR.

 Shadows Cast  - Grey's Anatomy Season 19 Episode 4

The male friendships in this series tend to be underrated compared to the female ones or male/female, as Meaghan said, so I like the potential of those two.

How do you feel about Levi’s growth from Glasses to a confident doctor who can ask Carlos out?

Meaghan: I love this for him!

Levi has become one of my favorite characters over the years, but he has faded to the background this season. Watching him find himself again over the past two episodes and realize how far he has come since his Glasses days has been so great. I’m ready to go full steam ahead on the Carlos and Levi ship!

Coming into his Own -tall  - Grey's Anatomy Season 19 Episode 10

Joshua: I think it’s great, especially considering his setback with Devon’s death last season. Also, as someone who was super awkward and shy himself when he first came out, I love seeing his confidence with Carlos and stepping into his own power.

Jasmine: I feel like Levi is in the best place he’s been in the series thus far, and they finally know how to use him properly while highlighting his journey and growth. I’m happy for him and his bounce back. I also love him and Carlos.

Owen is reinstated. React!

Meaghan: Honestly, I couldn’t care less. It’s nice that we won’t have that contributing further to issues between Owen and Teddy, but his probation wasn’t adding anything to the story.

I will say that I’m glad Owen didn’t let his desire to get his license reinstated make him compromise who he is as a doctor. It would’ve been easy to put himself first and do everything by the book, but he knows his patients come first. After all, that’s what got him into this mess in the first place.

Returning to Trauma -tall  - Grey's Anatomy Season 19 Episode 8

Joshua: Yay? I’ve never been terribly worried about whether or not Owen would get his license reinstated.

That said, I hope this means we get to see him teach the interns trauma as the trauma chief; I’ve always enjoyed Owen as a teacher. I also agree with what Meaghan said about Owen’s attitude as a doctor.

If there is one thing I trust Owen with completely, it’s how to handle a trauma situation; I knew he wasn’t showboating for the auditor or making the wrong choice from his nerves. He made the choice that his patient needed to live, and that’s his job as a licensed trauma surgeon.

Jasmine: I know Owen is forever one of those polarizing characters, but I love him best when he’s in peak doctor mode because he’s damn good at what he does.

I enjoy him as a mentor. I’d rather see more of Owen as the competent, capable attending than his personal drama with Teddy. I’m glad he’s reinstated, and we can get back to that.

What was your favorite moment, storyline, etc., from the episode?

Meaghan: Catherine’s patient’s wife showing up was such a great scene. Of course, she knew something was going on, but I appreciated that she allowed him the dignity of having that secret.

I’m also glad it pushed Catherine to open up to Richard finally. Richard finding out that Catherine’s cancer is progressing hurt my heart, but he deserved to know. The poor man can’t catch a break. I don’t want to watch him lose yet another great love of his life.

Joshua: I thought that was a touching moment as well, and I appreciated that the wife gave his husband the space he needed. Other than that, this episode was average for me, though all the scenes with the interns were consistently more enjoyable than those without them.

Jasmine: I enjoyed Blue and Lucas working with Catherine. It amused me to no end.

Catherine Shares Her Secret  - Grey's Anatomy Season 19 Episode 10

Is there anything else you’d like to address?

Meaghan: I know we all keep saying it, but the interns are really knocking it out of the park this season.

Even small moments with them are highlights of each episode, like the scene at the end with them trying on the dresses. Scenes like that make us get invested in them and their dynamics.

With Mer leaving and now Maggie, and presumably Winston too, we are starting to chip away at the older cast and create more room for the new to shine. I can’t say I’m mad about that.

Blue and Simone -tall  - Grey's Anatomy Season 19 Episode 8

Joshua: I feel like I can see how they’re setting up character departures in case the show is not renewed or to completely open up the storytelling for a younger, newer cast.

With Catherine’s cancer progressing, I can see Richard retiring from surgery regardless of what happens, so he can spend time with her or grieve. With Ben and Bailey having something between them about Bailey’s returning to work, I can see Bailey stepping away from surgery to focus on the clinic and her family.

With Levi, I can see him passing his boards and becoming a traveling surgeon with Carlos or staying on as an attending. Even lines as simple as Jo ticking off everything she’s busy with feels like a departure setup.

It sucks to feel the show’s time will end sooner than later, but it’s also wonderful to feel like it will go out on a creative high.

Jasmine: I totally agree with you, Meaghan.

Over to you, Grey’s Fanatics. Do you agree with our round table?

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Grey’s Anatomy airs Thursdays on ABC.

Jasmine Blu is a senior staff writer for TV Fanatic. Follow her on Twitter.

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