
Did Lisa manage to navigate jury duty? On The Simpsons Season 34 Episode 2, the youngster found herself tackling the crime in town. Meanwhile, Marge became obsessed with her exercise bike as she tried to come to terms with a big loss. Elsewhere, Homer and Bart worked together to make a big change that could
Did the Griffins manage to have a great day? On Family Guy Season 21 Episode 2, everyone made their to Bend, Oregon, to rent a VHS from the last Blockbuster in existence. However, there was much drama when the movie they wanted was out of stock. Meanwhile, Lois found herself at an impasse with Peter
Did the family manage to bounce back? On Sister Wives Season 17 Episode 4, three wives remained, and Kody struggled to come to terms with Christine leaving him. Meanwhile, Janelle made a major decision about her living situation without telling Kody. Elsewhere, Christine gathered her sister wives to drop a huge bombshell. Use the video
Was there justice for the [eople of the Commonwealth? On The Walking Dead Season 11 Episode 17, Pamela was in damage control mode as everyone close to her started questioning her motives. Meanwhile, Lance continued his pursuit of everyone in front of the walls, leading to a high-stakes battle. Elsewhere, Carol found herself trying to
Can the past be escaped? On Chesapeake Shores Season 6 Episode 8, a DNA test revealed a shocking location for Evan’s father, paving the way for some of our biggest drama to date. Meanwhile, Jess hosted a historical reenactment that threatened to change everything people thought they knew about the town. Elsewhere, a Hollywood star
Did Nolan manage to make the jump to his new role? On The Rookie Season 5 Episode 2, he wanted to become a training officer, but there was one last hurdle. Meanwhile, Officer Aaron Thorson worked with Nolan to uncover the truth behind another officer’s suicide. Elsewhere, Lucy successfully went undercover and it got her
Promo Promotional Photos Press Release THE TEAM HELPS AN NYPD FIREFIGHTER’S DAUGHTER AFTER HER FATHER SUDDENLY GOES MISSING, ON “THE EQUALIZER,” SUNDAY, OCT. 9 “Where There’s Smoke” – The team helps an NYPD firefighter’s daughter when her father suddenly goes missing. Also, Aunt Vi and Delilah continue to cope after McCall’s abduction, on the CBS