This Is Us – One Giant Leap & Four Fathers – Double Review: Struggling


“Sometimes I think about what my very last memory will be before the candle goes out.”
One Giant Leap was all about Nicky’s road trip to finally see Sally, it was funny to see this side of a crazy out-of-the-blue grand gesture, and it was insane, but it was great to see the older characters get highlighted since they don’t get that much attention. We also got to see Deja trying to figure out where she fits in Malik’s life and losing her virginity to him, but I still couldn’t care less about this relationship, don’t know what it is about it, but I see zero chemistry between them.
I did love Rebecca and Miguel, and then Nicky, and Sally, and how honest it all was, from the way they saw their past lives to the way they regarded their present, and what they said about sweating the small stuff, and the way they saw themselves compared to their youth. And though it was all crazy, and it was clear Nicky’s infatuation with her meant nothing for the people they grew up to be, it seemed to wake Sally up and realize she wasn’t okay with her current marriage to Eric (Jeffrey Nordling). 
I loved Rebecca and Miguel together dancing, and him reassuring her he would be there every step of the way, he’s so sweet, but it’s also painfully clear he’s no Jack, Jack would’ve said the most romantic thing ever, and let her know every second they spent together was worth it no matter what, but alas, there’s just one Jack Pearson. Nicky is a bit too awkward but he definitely has the romantic gene, I love that in the end, he felt liberated enough to finally make room for someone new, which is when we meet Edie, the new love of his life, and they have so much chemistry!
Four fathers focused on… well, four fathers, Randall, Kevin, Toby, and Jack, and their conflicts with parenting. Starting with Jack, who’s trying to figure out how to be present in his kids’ lives even though he’s constantly working, and I loved how Rebecca, adorable as ever, reassured him they would definitely remember the good things, though she doesn’t know this árticular day would end with Jack learning his mother died.
Kevin trying to figure out how to deal with the fact that he doesn’t live with his kids anymore, but also realizing that it’s not easy on Madison to be alone with them so much of the time while also starting a relationship with someone new. I’m glad Kevin reached out to Cassidy instead of his young co-star, though I’m still not sold on their possible romance, luckily it seems we’ll get to see them spend time together soon, and that will hopefully help with the chemistry.
Randall and Beth both lose it when they realized Deja went to see Malik without telling them, and though Beth tries to explain that since she’s in love, they won’t be able to make that go away so easily he tries to stop her from seeing him anymore, which we know won’t work. I do love me some Beth and Randall freaking out, but I’m a little tired of Deja drama, I would much rather see a bit more of Tess and Annie who rarely get time to shine, especially Annie, but I wouldn’t mind seeing more of Tess.
And Toby, well, this is a hard one, because I love him, and I’ve missed his one-liners, but he’s struggling with being a dad and a husband with such limited time, and he struggles with realizing he might need a different strategy in his current situation, but his big idea, the smoker, we learn might be the straw that broke the camel’s back and the final nail in his and Kate’s marriage. I don’t know if they’ll manage to sell me on the romance between Kate and Phillip but right now I’m enjoying every scene Chris Geere is in, so I’ll take it.
“Never too late to turn a day around.”

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