
A grief-stricken father, a talent show, and it was all directed by a series star? It was a good night. In the S.W.A.T. Season 5 Episode 15, 20-Squad tries to track down a father who targeted a hospital after his son died from kidney disease. At the same time, the S.W.A.T. Academy recruits get ready
It was a thought-provoking flashback double-header. First Sam, then Callen, went back to earlier times on NCIS: Los Angeles Season 13 Episode 13 and NCIS: Los Angeles Season 13 Episode 14. For Sam, it was an ending. For Callen, it was more of a revelation. Sam ended up getting drafted into a case of Lance Hamilton, Sam’s favorite
I have good news if you had ‘shady Father Khatri’ on your bingo card. You’re a winner! There’s been a little something off about Khatri from the series inception, but it was easy to ignore with all the other shenanigans happening around town. But FROM Season 1 Episode 6 gave us our greatest glimpse into
  The Walking Dead “Warlords” was written by the team of Jim Barnes and Erik Mountain and was directed by Loren Yaconelli, whose other credits include The Walking Dead: World Beyond, Animal Kingdom and Shameless. This was one of the best episodes in a long time. Part of this was the unique time structure which